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Hes the best


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I just want to let everybody know that my boyfriend is the best boyfriend in the world. He is also the best sex I have ever had. The only problem is that his roommae is sick of me talking about him. What is a girl to do?

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A girl should stop talking to her roomate, because the roomate doesn't care. She should instead go online, where everyone cares. Btw, be sure to mention that you don't actually seek an answer, or Moimeme will bite.

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be sure to mention that you don't actually seek an answer, or Moimeme will bite




Clearly, this person isn't asking anything. :rolleyes::p

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Hold it... in your post of about 8 minutes ago, you asked how you could encourage him to be more romantic. Did he do something incredibly romantic in that 8 minute interval?


Just curious...

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