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randy, i wish you would read my responses back to you regarding the control issue. you gave me such good advice, i'd like some more of your input on what i wrote back..........please ! jamie thank you.......are you a counselor or what?

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I read your posts. I stand by my advice in my initial post.


The purpose of this forum, for me anyway, is to get or give some general direction. It is up to you now to take what you want from my initial post, get advice from others, and formulate your strategies.


I feel extremely uncomfortable guiding someone's life in every detail and I don't think that's what you want anyway.


If you have a very specific question, ask it and I'll do my best. I do hope there are others who will also give you their viewpoints.

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Hi J,


I'm responding to your inital post.


I'm encouraged in your future since you've renewed your determination to find help. Since you're not blaming your family or your boyfriend for your actions today, it shows great maturity on your behalf.


I understand the terrible emotional exhaustion you went through during the original counseling. I urge you to return to the counseling, however. Those tears are the path to your healing. A sympathetic heart such as Randy's is not enough to get you free from your past. Certainly, he was an encouragement just as the self-help book you have found has been. I'm afraid, however, that unless you seek out someone with training to lead you through your past, you will remain stalled out in the problems that stem from it.


I see no need to address the problems your controlling has caused the people you love; you see the harm as the wrong that it is.


You've brought yourself here and the choice is yours to make. Now. Today. How badly do you want to change? Will a trip through the tears be worth the future hope you may gain?


Face your mountain head-on. You're strong enough to win this fight.




PS. Why settle for a shoulder-perched spirit guide when you can go directly to your Creator. Seek Him; he's there.

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