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what's the deal?

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Long story but will try and make it short.

Dated this girl for almost a year. Best friends before that. Thought there was marriage potential she was very down to earth. She went away for a month durring the summer and came back a new and awful person. She ended it right away saying her feelings changed. Stupidly decided to stay friends. Nothing special for about 3 months but then starts dating a guy who she knows I cannot stand. Gave it a chance. After a month or so of him constantly spreading rumors about me and trying to ruin our friendship (and being quite successful at it), I told her our friendship was over and not to even think about trying to talk to me until she got rid of the current boyfriend. The next few months were brutal on myself and became severely depressed, abused drugs and alcohol. About five months ago i finally got over it and completely wrote her off as dead to me and made it a part of my past for good. Never been happier. However, a little over a month ago i was talking to a good friend of mine who also happens to be a friend of hers and she tells me that my ex had been crying to her for the past couple months about how much she missed me, etc. My friend knows what i have been through and told me that shed relay anything i wanted to my ex. I debated with my friend on whether or not to even give my ex a chance to talk to me try make amends and decided that i would give her the chance if she was serious. So my friend tells my ex that i will at least listen to what she has to say. My friend said that my ex said she would contact me at the end of the week. That was almost five weeks ago. My ex is still with her current boyfriend and has not made an attempt to contact me. Could anyone explain to me what to do? It just seems to be messing with my head again after taking so long to forget her and move on in the first place.

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Dont give her importance.Pls dont she is ruining ur life cant u see .Start dating other ppl,stay away as much u can.Forget her as soon as possible or else u will get depress infact u were in middle of starting a new chapter of life n ur ex came to mess up.Dont make someone ur priority if they just cares to take advantage of u. Dont keep contact of ur mutual frnds i mean one who is connected to ur ex.Start ur fresh life.. why bcos its makin u depress to the point u have lost urself. Secondly when u were with her she didnt care a bit n now u r moving on she wants u bak thats certain she is playing,,

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