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What's the point of trying to make a guy jealous?

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Ladies if you're currently in a bad relationship, but you like a guy what would be the point of trying to make the guy you like jealous?? What exactly are you guys looking for when doing this? I could see the benefits if you were available,(making him chase you etc.) but if you're already committed what's the point? On a side note she seemed to get really hurt when I date other women, or talk to them in the clubs or bars. Honestly, I really have feeling for her, but my hands are tide since she's committed to someone else. Currently we're just friends, but the attraction is kinda getting out of control for both of us. I'm not big on being the "other" guy, or being a rebound. But god I would love a shot at her.. Bad timing I guess. :( How should I treat this guys? She's 25 and I'm 27.

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Well she just wants to make u feel insecure cos she gets insecure when u r hanging out with other female partners.Secondly its like side investment to have bf if she got hurt by u . She is also trying to draw attention n wants to know if u really like her or something,

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Been there.

She has BF but wants to hang out with you.

She doesn't want you, but she gets pissed if other women want you & you stop paying attention to her & start paying attention to them.


You are putting in time to be with her while her boyfreind isn't yet he's getting all the benefits (sex, intimacy, ect)


While you get nothing but cock-blocked.


I won't put myself in that situation again.

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Been there.

She has BF but wants to hang out with you.

She doesn't want you, but she gets pissed if other women want you & you stop paying attention to her & start paying attention to them.


You are putting in time to be with her while her boyfreind isn't yet he's getting all the benefits (sex, intimacy, ect)


While you get nothing but cock-blocked.


I won't put myself in that situation again.



I agree phineas.. I just don't understand why women do this.. I know she has strong feeling for me, but I guess it's not enough for her to take the chance. I think I'm just going to just tell her "I wish she would've gave us a chance", and start seeing someone else that's single. It's sad though we could of had something great. I thought she was just playing games with me at first, but when I met her parents you can tell she's talked to them about me. I got the same vibe from all her friends as well. I wish there was another way, but what can a you do. :o

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Rearden Metal

Attention whore, plain and simple. Low self esteem, wants you to pump her up. You don't want a chance at this one, trust me.

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You're getting set up for a situation of cheating, whether it's branch swinging or cake eating. Steer clear or you're going to get burned...badly.

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Amen. Never worship at the altar of the attention whore. The 'chance' you perceive is just an illusion.




Man you guys are right! It's time to take off the nice guy gloves. :mad: I'm more pissed that I'm even interested in a attention whore!.. I usually beat these women at there own game, but this one took a while to see. You said it carhill "Illusion".. Thanks guys I needed this reality check!




Men who don't go after the woman they want will always be a victim of woman that pick them.

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