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I feel so guilty!

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I posted once about him because I like him but I feel bad about his wrecking his car while on the phone with me 2 days ago! Later I found out he drank all day with family but I didn't think he'd been going to that extent. But when he called I DID know he was out so why didn't I tell him to pull over? But no instead I was trying to chat. So he hit a pole and got stuck in a ditch..and he's fine but if he wasn't fine I'd be majorly freaking out. I heard the whole thing on the phone. He was also on a back road that's known as windy. But I was also unware that he was even driving until late in the conversation.


And we only texted once the next day and he kept thanking me and apologizing, etc. At first I figured he would call the cops but he didn't, instead he called his dad, but I offered to go pick him up. So I don't know if he's in trouble or what. I would really like to call and ask how things turned out, especially because I feel bad, and maybe I'm worrying too much? But before this we didn't talk on a regular basis, just kind of like each other, so I don't want to seem overwhelming in calling him...I want to be glad he's okay and leave it that but I feel obligated to caring about it more...he was very appreciative of my concern but also embarrassed and kept saying he shouldn't have bothered me, etc. So what do I do? That night he said he would call me but didn't say when, and I when I expressed concern yesterday, he just said thanks and he was going to bed. So I just don't know how long to wait before I should see how he's doing because I will want to know...that and I want know where things stand..what to do.

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why would YOU feel guilty? that is very odd.


YOU weren't driving while on the phone - YOU weren't the one drunk driving...


this is not your fault... and it seems very back wards for you to try to take the guilt for HIS actions.


have you ever discussed this with a counselor? we can only take responsibility for our OWN actions and words... him driving drunk, having an accident actually had NOTHING to do with you.

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Actually, if I call someone and they tell me they're driving, I say "I'm hanging up" and I hang up.


If I know they're driving - and I'm third-party to an accident, I'm going to be partially responsible.

I really don't know about the USA, but here in the UK, it's illegal to drive and use a mobile telephone at the same time. (RoSPA is the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. All safety legislation is run through them, and they list all manner of safety laws and regulations.)

Also, you can be charged with reckless driving whilst even using a hands-free set.


The fact that the driver was also inebriated simply compounds the problem.

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I realize he was the one in the wrong, I guess I just feel bad because it was me he called.


But here in US, or at least in my state, its not illegal yet to drive and talk and I'm not sure how close we are to having that, if it all. So people do it often. I guess that's why I don't t hink much of it if someone calls me. Anyway, I'll wait a couple more days to see how he's doing I guess.

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