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i was dating this girl for almost 2 years. Everything was going GREAT and we was even talking about getting married. She broke up with me like 4 months ago saying she is confused and that she just wants to be friends. (she is 17, im 23) I told her that i couldn't and she got mad at me. We didn't talk for like 2 months. I ran into her and we started talking. We talk everyday now on the phone since then and we even went out a few times. I realize that her friendship means everything to me. She has been really nice to me and i can tell that she still likes me. My problem is, i realize that im in love with her still and i want to tell her what i feel and that her friendship means the world to me. Im unsure on how to say it(im not good at that sort of thing). Im scared that it would mess things up between us or something. Can anyone PLEASE PLEASE give me some good advise?

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I can't give you much advice on how to keep things going with this child. She is not even legal yet in most states. She is a wee little fickle lady who will break many hearts before she settles down, if she ever does.


You were probably able to have a two year relationship with her because, at 15, she saw going out with an older guy as something rather prestigious for her age. As she has gotten a bit older, she wants to be free to see what else is out there for her life.


She does not have the maturity to digest or process the information you want to give her about your feelings. Please try to understand, no matter how much you want to think of her as your equal, she is seventeen years old. When you are 27 and she is 21, you will have a much better spread there.


No doubt she is attractive to you and you get a great deal out of being with her. But you are playing with emotional dynamite that will eventually blow up in your face.


You are far better served by enjoying her company and not counting on a lasting romance with this young lady. If you are single in three to five years and still friends with her, then that may be the time to think about a romance.


This girl is not ready right now for a love affair. The best of what you will have with her for now you had during your first two years with her. Now, you must have patience, and lots of it!

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