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lately i have felt that everything is going so wrong.i have a great boyfriend..i mean that....he treats me right and i like him and care about him a lot. a few weeks ago i accidently sow an old, very old boyfriend and i realized that although i hate to admitt it, i love him and part of me will always love him.i am over him but i just can't help but to feel these feelings. when i am with my new boyfriend i feel great, me makes me happy,but i don't think i will ever be able to love the way i did with this other guy...and i'm not dramataizing...not at all.to top it all i don't feel like i could just come out tellng my new guy that i feel like this b/c i feel there is no point to tell him since there is no way me and my ex will ever get together again.


also i feel like me and my best friend are slipping apart more and more with each passing day.we both work..and i'm leaving to college upstate this upcoming september...we really only have the summer left and i am tryin to work as much as possible to help my parents out with school.regardless of our busy schedules..the truth is that if we don't talk anymore is b/c we just plainly grew apart. we both know it....it hurts me, it hurts her,,,we are just not the same two girls we once were....too much ##### happened.


at home things are not so great..i do not get along with my dad...i love the man.. but we are like two rocks against each other.stubborn as hell..lately i feel like i have been opprerssing my opinions to avoid arguments.


i just feel so worried about so many things.....like tutition costs.....work...finding time for my boyfriend...and the many friends that i have been neglecting since i really do not have any time to call anybody back...god knows i have been getting an average of three to four hours of sleep in the last couple of weeks and i just feel so overwhalmed with everything.


i am so confused on trying to figure out all these things out inside my head because i feel that nobody really knows me anymore to understand me without judging me..not even my best friend.i feel sort of depressed but strangers would not really know that from talking to me..i try to act as if everything is just fine.i dunno anymore..##### is starting to get to me....any advice...can anybody relate???

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You have just joined the real world, where all the things you describe happen every single day. Welcome!


Now you know what a normal life is all about.

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know that you are not alone. that is the first thing you need to know. it will be months perhaps years before you'll be able to talk about it with another in same standings. Perhaps you may even find someone that has already gone through it. Either way, you are going to get through it. It's only a matter of time. Friends will grow a part. It is a part of the growing process. There are many possibilities. No matter what #### that happens you will grow stronger, you'll learn who people really are, and you'll learn who you are. Constantly evolving, and your friend is to, maybe in the future you'll get back together. School will only last so long....your always going to have to go back home. The same goes for anyone else. Working hard now will make life just a little bit easier for you later. Maybe you'd like to cash that check in now. If you break it down to smaller payments perhaps you can, but patience is the key. There are different types of love available. The love that you feel with your boyfriend now is legid, and the love you felt before also has it's place. Recognize it is all. When it comes to oppressing your opinions, I will tell you that it is completely unhealthy. It is unhealthy emotionally, and will greatly effect your esteem with people who you keep at high standings. Your dad would be one of them. Express your opinion and you have a right to be heard, if it is easier for you put it in writing to avoid confrontation. You need more time for yourself and your needs. Soon you will crash and burn four hrs of sleep is not enough. find some time to get enough sleep, pamper yourself, and save some time for the boyfriend. Make a schedule if you have to, what are your priorities, and schedule them. *Even schedule shower time, and eating time* Eventually your going to wanna throw the schedule away for some spontaniety, but in the meantime you need to budget your time. Take a deep breath and now that so far you have been productive in your path and productivity reaps rewards, te type of rewards are up to you.

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i think star has covered it all.


nice words of wisdom randy! way to give advice!

jenny, know that you are not alone. that is the first thing you need to know. it will be months perhaps years before you'll be able to talk about it with another in same standings. Perhaps you may even find someone that has already gone through it. Either way, you are going to get through it. It's only a matter of time. Friends will grow a part. It is a part of the growing process. There are many possibilities. No matter what #### that happens you will grow stronger, you'll learn who people really are, and you'll learn who you are. Constantly evolving, and your friend is to, maybe in the future you'll get back together. School will only last so long....your always going to have to go back home. The same goes for anyone else. Working hard now will make life just a little bit easier for you later. Maybe you'd like to cash that check in now. If you break it down to smaller payments perhaps you can, but patience is the key. There are different types of love available. The love that you feel with your boyfriend now is legid, and the love you felt before also has it's place. Recognize it is all. When it comes to oppressing your opinions, I will tell you that it is completely unhealthy. It is unhealthy emotionally, and will greatly effect your esteem with people who you keep at high standings. Your dad would be one of them. Express your opinion and you have a right to be heard, if it is easier for you put it in writing to avoid confrontation. You need more time for yourself and your needs. Soon you will crash and burn four hrs of sleep is not enough. find some time to get enough sleep, pamper yourself, and save some time for the boyfriend. Make a schedule if you have to, what are your priorities, and schedule them. *Even schedule shower time, and eating time* Eventually your going to wanna throw the schedule away for some spontaniety, but in the meantime you need to budget your time. Take a deep breath and now that so far you have been productive in your path and productivity reaps rewards, te type of rewards are up to you.
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