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Friend wants me to go on a date.

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Just to get it out there, I'm male, friends a female. I'm 21, friend is 20.


I just came out of a serious relationship at the beginning of January, and I still miss my ex to a pretty decent degree.


So I was talking to my friend on the way home tonight via phone call, and she kept telling me I should go on dates with some other girls to just have some fun so that I could either one, get a better view on things, or two, meet someone new and better.


She has a point, and I actually decided to start dating around a week or so ago, I just haven't made an effort yet. And I told her "Yeah, it's frustrating though. Why can't a girl ask me for once?" and then she asked me to dinner to a mexican restaurant. I agreed to a date. Sure, why not? She's a good person.


The only thing is, and I doubt this is the case, is that I'm scared she may want to be more than friends. While she is a good-hearted friend, I think our views on things are a bit too different. She's a strong Christian, I'm agnostic. She doesn't drink, go to clubs/bars. Both of which I like to do from time to time in moderation. And she believes sex should be saved for marriage. I don't. She's also never been in a relationship before.


So I'm going to go on the date, but I am wondering of how I should handle this situation? How to not give off the wrong signal and still enjoy a date as friends.

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