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It is a compliment when no response is given to advice. If they actually saw it already, no response means it seemed to have quality and be adequate. Messages of appreciation are nice, not given in most cases, and not required by those who are confident in what they have written.


"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed." -Benjamin Franklin (in Poor Richard's Almanac)


Happy Fourth of July, if you are in America.

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Thanks for coming to the defense, Randy.


She was right in following up on me. I had asked a follow-up question and then ran out of the house to enjoy the barbeques, sunshine, and fireworks.


Hope you had a good 4th.




PS. I enjoyed the Benjamin Franklin and the Albert Einstein quotes. Excellent exclamation points to top off your solid advice posts.

It is a compliment when no response is given to advice. If they actually saw it already, no response means it seemed to have quality and be adequate. Messages of appreciation are nice, not given in most cases, and not required by those who are confident in what they have written. "Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed." -Benjamin Franklin (in Poor Richard's Almanac) Happy Fourth of July, if you are in America.


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Sorry for the delay. I turned the computer off and got away for the holidays.


Let's see now...


Feeling stuck is certainly a sign of growth. If this is not a relationship in which you've made marriage vows, it's okay to say bye-bye.


Now be aware, there is a lot of babble going on in the world today. There are lots of people saying things they know itching ears want to hear. Make sure you're turning to wise, respected, proven sources in the advice you seek. (Not implying Jung wasn't respected or proven). Your boyfriend's allusion to "mumbo jumbo" may mean he can tell you're not speaking from conviction of your own.


As to feeling stuck and in a rut. Boy, I know that feeling well. It can be miserable but oh what a great motivation for change and growth it can also be.


To borrow a quote from one of Randy's posts, insanity is repeating the same action expecting different results. (Sorry Randy and Einstein for the re-wording).


Forgive me for any wrong assumptions, but I suspect there is something you feel missing in yourself that you seek out in the relationships you form. Relying on someone else to help you grow can only be successful when you outgrow that person. Relying on unhappiness to motivate you is a poor substitute for setting and reaching goals on your own.


For now, then, I suggest you gather friends around you who are fun and honest. Hang around friends kind enough to be honest and good enough to accept you. Experiment around to remember and re-learn the things that give you pleasure. What is your passion? What makes you happy? Who do you want to be?


Your happiness is your own making. It won't be found in a lover's eyes.




terasa: you asked what brings this up: well i feel stuck in this relationship of almost two years now. i feel that i am growing and he has no clue what is going on inside me nor does he agree with my psychological babble he say's i am picking up on the internet, and it is corrupting me. i feel so stuck in a rut with my life and the "rules" of my life that i live by and want to be free. i am doing what jung called journeying or something like that, i forget the exact wording. but that is why i ask, i feel like i learn more in a relationship then out of one, cause i can work on myself and learn more, but at the same time it is stressing me out. i feel trapped cause i love him yet i feel like i'm choking cause i want out, yet i don't want to leave him either. i don't know what to do. thank you for asking;

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