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How to cope with a Girlfriend/Boyfriends jealous nature (from a guy who did it)

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My Girlfriend is very jealous of me. Not trying to sound big headed but she is. The main thing is with my past. I was a bit of a hustler in my day** but when i met her it all just stopped. i began to love her, a thing i never experienced before. Now i would never think of going with another girl, but she will NOT believe this. she also goes on about how she can 'see' me with the girls in my past, even though even I dont remember them, they were just hazy crappy flings that were out of my mind the next day.

Now, after a bit of researc to help her, i tried these axcts i found on a website and they helped. A LOT.


So Here's how to cope and treat your jealous parttner:


1: DO NOT refer to yuor past as 'studlike', 'manly', 'a bit of fun' or say things like 'i cant help it so many people were attracted to me...' (** like i did above)


2: Jealousy stems from insicurity so your pardner is most likely just a little self hating or has issues. if you notice things like criticising themselves or self hatred this is most likely the problem. SOOO>>>


3: always tell them howmuch you love them. Frequent Beauty, sexiness and personality compliments help too.


4: say how stupid you were back then.. etc... you should mean this though. say it whenever s/he brings up your past.


5: a good one is to say how much you enjoy being with ur pardner both sexually and normally, how s/he is the best you ever had, the only one who meant anything, but MAKE SURE YOU MEAN IT. DO NOT LIE.


6: if they have an active imagination like my female, they will probably 'imagine' how you had sex with the other past people. it is probably the worst thing for them, and they imagine it as better than it was. they imagine firewotks, sweaty passion, connection. if this is not so (as is in many flings) the PUT HIM/HER STRAIGHT. NOW. this hurts them A LOT.



wel bye for now, im off to see more help stuff. put it up here lata.



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ok so also here is some stuff to help partners jealous of the present:


1: do NOT comment on the appearance of a member of the opposite sex, unless it is a negative one. how would u feel if your girl/boyf turned round at some hot person and said "WOAH! that guy is HOT!!"


2: On that website that said causes for jealousy it also said people got jealous of where a lover has been, or looking/thinking because they are scared that they'll lose their mate. again, insicurity, but it cannot be helped.


3: i read somewhere that girls in particular suffer terrible insicurity. it only takes one or two cruel comments early on in their development (usually from us immature guys) or to be trated badly by a boyfriend early on in life to create a neurotic, worrying destructive pattern which gets worse unless she is convinced she is NOT as ugly/fat/unnatractive as she thinks she is. sometimes it just does not get better, and this is when diseases like anorexia nervosa and self destruction take hold.


If this is the case with your girl, or boyf, (yeah guys get like that too) you MUST NOT act cruelly or controlling over them. this will just make the feelng of worthless ness greater, particularly if you call her mean names, even in jest. s/he will most l;ikely believe them, because they already believe them. If you love or care for them at all, you would not want them to not care for themselves at all, and wish they were someone else, or worse dead.


4. MAYBE, just maybe, if you think their jealousy is for no reason and they are taking you for granted, and it is ruining your feelings for them, you should threaten to ditch them. Yep thats what i said, it will give them a slap around the face and maybe they will wake up from the past and get their asses into the present.


Im talkin seriously, tell them to forget bout the past or youll leave them. then do not call, see or email them untill they contact YOU and hopefully they will be so glad to have you they will not question your past again.






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5. Find a girl who is comfortable enough with herself, or enter into a relationship in which trust and security is high.

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