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maybe in love

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i met a girl from work who i really got on with then i she told me that she really liked me then i started taking her out. After a bit i do'nt know what happened but nothing was happening. But know i am in love with her and i do not know how to tell her and i'm afraid that it ill destroy our friendship . WHAT CAN I DO?

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From your post it sounds like she lost a bit of interest. I'm sure that's no reflection on you, just her personal tastes.


If she has pulled away, no good purpose will be served if you tell her you have feelings for her. There is simply no relationship foundation for you to do so at present and it would be very awkward for both of you.


If in the future she warms up to you again in a very meaningful way, then tell her how you feel. If she remains in a "nothing was happening" mode as you say, I would go find another girl.


Every dating situation doesn't work out. Many people are initially attracted physically but for one reason or other (most of the time it's because one or the other is simply not ready to settle down) the dating terminates and the two go their separate ways. So don't consider yourself singled out, pardon the pun.


Lots of other wonderful ladies out there who would really go for you.

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