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The ex called and I am bummed!

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So, after 7 months...my ex called me yesterday. He said he was calling to see how I had been and what was new in my life. I knew he was dating someone, since I usually see him with her on the weekends. He claimed it was not TOO serious, but that he wasn't seeing anyone else. Then he asked if I was seeing anyone. I said no and he asked who the guy I was always out with on the weekend was. I hang out with a lot of guys, but I just found it odd that he noticed. When we got off the phone I cried b/c he didn't say "I miss you" or "I love you". Am I being stupid? Should I even HOPE for a possibility of being with him again in the future??

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AMN819 sounds to me like he is testing the water I mean after 7 months why the hell is he calling you up and asking you if you are seeing anyone its none of his bloody business....I split up with ex and after 5 months he called me and asked me how i was and stuff he was also with someone at the time and wanted to know everything that was going on in my life.. i was very distant with him..and also cried after our conversation ended I still loved the guy and it was horrible having to speak to him like he was a stranger.. but I made the decision to be strong not speak to him again if he decided to call me to see how i was..it was the only way i could move on...



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I don't know if I want to move on though. I feel like this is my soul mate. I honestly date guys NOW..with NO potential..just so I don't ruin my future with my ex. That is HORRIBLE~

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AMN819 I hear what your saying really i do but what choice have you got.. its like your in limbo right always looking back to see if your ex will be coming how much longer can you deal with that... In my situation I made a conscious decison that no more looking back and to start looking forward (hence the name) lol.. anyways 6 months after I spoke to him he sent me an e-mail asking how i was again.. i tried to ignore it but ended up responding and now we are friends and maybe we will be more one day but we are taking it one day at a time.. My point is if he is the one for you he will find a way back into your life, or someone else will but you cant hang around in limbo waiting to see which one it will be.... I also dated men I knew wouldn't go anywhere how mad is that the things we do..the thing is maybe we both did it not because we didn;t want to move on but because we just weren't not ready.. so have fun if you can but strive to look forward not behind..

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A Soul Mate will not do to you what he is doing! How can this man be your soul mate? seriously ask yourself this please!


Move on and live your life. Be happy. Do great things for you and never mind him. When he calls again .......do not speak to him! Believe me, if he changes his mind and he realizes how much you mean to him.....HE WILL FIND YOU!


In the meantime, stop saying he is your soul mate when he is not. I am with my soul mate and believe me , your ex is not a soul mate!


Take care of yourself. Find out why you are allowing such poor treatment. Find out who you are! The only way you can be in a healthy relationship is if you healthy enough to love yourself and to respect yourself.


I am sorry, but being jerked around and allowing it is not healthy!



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As hard as it is to do, moving on is your best option. If your ex is your soul mate, he will figure that out and come back to you. But in the meantime, you need to assume he's not and live your life accordingly. I speak from very fresh personal experience as I was dumped at the start of this month by the man I thought was my soul mate. He's a major fence sitter with some real issues and he dumped me once when we were first together then we got back together and he dumped me again this month.


I am to the point now where, although I am sad and am working through my emotions, I know that in the end, I am WAY better off. My ex was distant, didn't know what he wanted, etc. You need to be with someone who is sure you're what he wants and believe me, when you have that it makes a big difference.


Good luck and hang in there. I know it's not easy, but it does get easier with time and when you make a pact with yourself that you will not allow yourself to be treated poorly. You deserve better.

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