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if she cheats you should just walk away

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sorry, but you should.


i dont care the situation, walk away.


otherwise ill see you on the coping boards in 4-12 months.

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Rearden Metal

I gotta agree. Cheating is really really low.


I actually have a hard time with some people on LS who are pouring their heart out about an affair they are carrying on, and are getting support. I don't want to be judgmental but I almost can't help it.


I cheated on my ex-wife and I knew I was wrong and deserved the worst for it. And I got it. I learned my lesson. Cheating ain't for me.

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yeah wtf.


that guy who she doesnt talk to anymore...well his p was in her mouth and V...


so move the **** on!


plenty of girls out there...


my fav threads are the ones like..."she cheated on me with a guy from work 8 months ago, then through a lot of counseling and taking her on vacations we worked through it. then yesterday she said she loves me but shes not in love with me. im on my brothers couch and i dont know what to do. shes the love of my life."


wow. those happen a lot on here.


oh and RM are you talking about the infedility forums?


you cant go on there and calls those people out, there is a sticky how you cant. but i heart the whores on there's sense of entitlement. its ****ing great. flash forward 6 months and theyre on the coping boards saying "how couldnt he leave his W for me, we were going to run away, now i have his quintuplets"


i heart LS now for the lulz...


i think maybe ill go over there and make a roucus and just laugh at some middle aged hags that think their white bread office lover is going to leave their white picket fence lifestyle for you and your studio apartment.

Edited by McGrupp
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Rearden Metal

While I'm laughing at what you wrote, and I'm in agreement, I also feel like Who am I to cast judgement upon these people?


I'm no saint. I've fuc*ed up my life something fierce. But I still can't handle reading that crap without thinking STOP CHEATING YOU RETARD!!!

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I actually have a hard time with some people on LS who are pouring their heart out about an affair they are carrying on, and are getting support. I don't want to be judgmental but I almost can't help it.
Then it would mean you're bias. I just give out advice to all the stories unless it's a man/woman bragging about how good the affair was. In that case, I don't write nothing at all.


But seriously that's the point of further kicking them if they're already on the floor feeling miserable? I think that if someone is only going to vent out their frustrations or place labels such as ''You're such a selfish dochebag/biotch'', ''You don't deserve them'' or ''You don't care about him/her'' then why bother posting esp. if they asked for advice on what to do to become a better person and how to work on it?


Do those labels or flaming answered their concerns/questions? Nope they did nope. Thanks to that they might never even come back to this forum to share their side of the story.

One ridiculous story I heard once was a man asking for help. He stated on how he did something with his friend's girlfriend and lost a friendship. He was asking what to do and obviously expressed remorse but what did he get here? Nothing but lame people who can't even write in a mature manner and no advice was given to him (very little). Nothing was heard from him again. Poor guy..it seem he was only either still in high school or during his early college years. All he came for was help not labels nor flaming.


If I were to hypothetically cheat (I never would but if) then this isn't the forum I would be posting. I would go to the survivinginfidelity.com instead.

Edited by samsungxoxo
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i would agree with most of that...


i have a friend who recently dumped his gf but feels horrible. because i was dumped i could say something in anger, or i could say you should be sensitive to her feelings, which i did.


a lot of dumpers come to LS and are immediately flamed, or cheaters, and get knocked down.


the original op is more for the guys on here who want these cheating women back and will do anything to do it.


they should just move on.

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Dexter Morgan
sorry, but you should.


i dont care the situation, walk away.


otherwise ill see you on the coping boards in 4-12 months.




this is one of the things I will end up telling my sons when they are of age to have "the talk".


I will tell them, if a girl cheats on you, be a man and leave her on the curb where she belongs. walk away and move on to much greener pastures.

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I agree. The trouble with forgiving someone for cheating is the inevitable message you send. By letting someone walk all over you like that, you are basically confessing to being weak, to being needy, and to having no self-respect. No worthwhile relationship can be build on a foundation like that.

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There is a thread at the mo saying how can he get his wife to stop seeing her other man and I cant even read it as I know what I will say and that will not help him. I cannot understand why you would stick around with a person who has cheated on you


Being cheated on hurts more than I ever thought but getting back with him would have hurt more for sure

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i say burn their frikkn house down and everything in their life, like a cane field in a high wind, then walk away. ha ha ha ha ... just kidding!!! seriously, don't do that, just walk away from a cheater. dont fall for the i wanna be friends either. its a trick.

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Trojan John
There is a thread at the mo saying how can he get his wife to stop seeing her other man and I cant even read it as I know what I will say and that will not help him. I cannot understand why you would stick around with a person who has cheated on you


Being cheated on hurts more than I ever thought but getting back with him would have hurt more for sure


It's not what you think. The guy in that thread is taking care of business.

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it could also read if "he" cheats just walk away...


How I wish I would have done this 9 yrs ago!! Yes 9 yrs! I found out he was cheating 1 1/2 yrs into our dating relationship. But he swore he learned his lesson, blah, blah - I so wanted to believe him. Of course by that time I loved him deeply. Gave him another chance and just got used - he cheated over and over.


I tell my daughters and son now - if "she" or "he" cheats on you - just walk away! I've already seen it happen to my 21 yr old daughter and believe me when you are the parent and been cheated on and you see the same heartbreak in one of your children - it's even worse!!!!

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Well I cheated on my ex boyfriend and he left me then came crying back about 3 days later. Biggest mistake of my life and I regret it to this day. I should've just broke up with him and kept it moving, but noooo I had to stick around and put up with his drama and all the cheating he was doing behind my back for the next 5 months or so out of guilt. I have no sympathy for cheaters though, I learned my lesson and got what I deserved and then some when I cheated. I know the price and never plan to pay it ever again.

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like a azzhat, i gave my ex another chance, yep --- cheated again. i will never give a cheater a second chance.

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it could also read if "he" cheats just walk away...

How I wish I would have done this 9 yrs ago!! Yes 9 yrs! I found out he was cheating 1 1/2 yrs into our dating relationship. But he swore he learned his lesson, blah, blah - I so wanted to believe him. Of course by that time I loved him deeply. Gave him another chance and just got used - he cheated over and over.


I tell my daughters and son now - if "she" or "he" cheats on you - just walk away! I've already seen it happen to my 21 yr old daughter and believe me when you are the parent and been cheated on and you see the same heartbreak in one of your children - it's even worse!!!!


I agree and it pisses me off how so many women take men back from cheating and put forth so many efforts to make them happy. He had his P in another woman, his tongue in another woman, and who knows whatever else. Yet, when women cheat, it's always "dump her" and "get rid of her" and she has to be called so many names. Women should be stronger and do the same and hopefully you are teaching your daughters to be independent and not have to depend on a man for everything. Teach them to also walk away no matter what!!!!!!!

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LOL, and y`all wonder why you have relationship problems.


It must be nice to live in such a black & white world where nothing matters but yourself.

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When you take back a cheater they just laugh inside and will continous cheat, they have no respect for you and know if they cheat again you will still take then back.

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Peter Attis

I think once the issue of cheating even comes up, whether it actually occurred or not, the relationship may be on its last legs. The trust is gone then, and it seems like, more often than not, it won't be the last time the issue comes up.

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I think once the issue of cheating even comes up, whether it actually occurred or not, the relationship may be on its last legs. The trust is gone then, and it seems like, more often than not, it won't be the last time the issue comes up.



BINGO!!!! Found explicit pics of bf's ex on his computer who he has hung out with twice since we've been together. When I asked him w/o bringing up having found the pix - he said, "No, we've NEVER been intimate!" Oh really?! So you take naked pix for fun esp. one with your c$##k in her mouth?! Why does he have the photos still? Why still see her? Why lie about the nature of their relationship? Why never introduced us? I am trying to stay strong and end it tonight! Wish me luck!!!

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