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In with the new, out with the old?

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I am having a real problem and I need third party advice. I have had a live-in b/f for four years and am in my mid-30's. We have kind of grown apart in the last year. I just started feeling bored with the relationship and tired of his laziness and attitude. He also is addicted to sex and I am fed up. Since I apparently do not put out often enough he has resorted to fulfilling his own needs in bed....next to me. I just pretend to be sleeping because I don't want to have to do it with him. Otherwise, he is fantastic with the kids and we do have a great time. He has talked about having a baby with me (my kids are from my former marriage). He has a bit of a temperment problem and a serious jealous streak. I have never done anything unfaithful until a recent trip to Florida.....


That's when my long time friend came into the picture. My man and my friend do not get along. I can not even talk to my friend when my man is around. He gets that pissy. So my friend surprised me by coming to Florida over Christmas to visit with my family. My man stayed home. We ended up having sex after some drinks. It was disappointing because we had such a great, flirtatious relationship and I anticipated this to be great act and it was not.


So now we are back home. I still live with my man (who will never know anything about this). I feel let down because I wanted this decision to be easier and I feel like I am back at square one with no hope. It's either I stay with my man who is not always the nicest and has his own issues or I see my friend who would love me and my kids but have bad sex with little hope for improvement.


Any advice?

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get rid of the old guy...now you are at a new square, with just you and the kids. maybe the sex sucked cause ya'll had some drinks, plus if it wasn't the first time with you 2, well it was k=like the first time all over again, and those first couple of times really do suck. reguardless i would bag the bf.

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It doesn't appear as though you really love either one of them. Staying with someone out of convenience or settling for someone who isn't all you are looking for.....just short changes the hopes you have for your life. Why don't you consider just being on your own awhile. Find your independence, who you are and define what you are looking for...for the rest of your life.


It's not easy getting out there and being on your own......but it sure beats settling for anything less than what makes you totally happy.

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