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Inspiration and hope


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To all those with the strenght th hold on.


For what it is worth when i get sad and regret the past i often bring out things from our relationship that remind me of our love. i found something the other day that summed our love up and gives me hope that love is not dead but just very hurt. i think that if someone can say certain things that love is still with them, we just have to find a way to rekindle them.


my gf wrote a poem to me expressing her love (about 8 months ago mind you) but it makes me remember and considering our break up (no hate/fighting/arguments) it gives me hope ...


I love you because ...

You can make me smile

when no one else can.

and in yours arms i feel

safe and secure.


you're attentive and romantic

you listen to my interests

and worries - and you care.


you love me

and you're open and honest

about the love we share


you're you

and you mean everything to me!



I read this and remember our love. we use to have a saying with each other (from the movie ghost) ... 'Ditto' ... when we said i love you to each other. i would love to give this peom back to her right now with a post script ... 'ditto'.


here is to hope and the future for all of us ... love isnt dead for someone to write this ... it is just very hurt and the pain and disappointment we cause each other makes us believe it is dead. Love after all is just a state of mind, we just need to rekindle trust and the love will return.


to all the romantics and believers ....



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Hi Caretoomuch

I know where your coming from mate, i have letters that i read & things she said & wrote to me that i hold onto, that she said will do when space has worked. These are from someone that still must have feelings, because love is a state of mind. Situations are different, but my gf needs the space because she helped me when i was ill & felt more like a carer, i didn't beat her up or have an affair, she knows this, it's just up to me to show my improvement!

Seeing letters & photo's sometimes upsets me because it brings back the good times, i know it shouldn't because these times are happy.

I have films undeveloped that i took of us before i came home ( she's in Texas ) & i told her i will look at them when we see each other.

Isn't it crazy, i see & hear relevant things all the time, for example it's 'Texas' week on a TV channel here, i hear her favourite record on radio all the time & just come into contact accidentally with stuff like this.

I do believe that people can't wright or say things without meaning them & whatever has happened subsequently, we're still the same, agin time is the esscence & abscence makes the heart fonder.

Be Strong

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Originally posted by monkey


I do believe that people can't wright or say things without meaning them & whatever has happened subsequently, we're still the same, agin time is the esscence & abscence makes the heart fonder.

Be Strong


Good point. I hurt my ex by lying to her, broke her heart. Since we work together we see other every day almost. By seeing our encounters you would guess that we were little kids still in love. It's in the look and the smile. There's hope. I feel like we are still the same happy, loving couple without the couple part of it. It's just a matter of time and space to make our hearts go deeper. I'm waiting for my second chance to make a first impression.

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