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Christian Claim without Merit (Urgent)


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As a Christian someone who love Jesus and is on fire for the Lord, and praises God etc...

Allows things to go on behind closed doors but turns a blind eye to it. Lets here daughter dress like a slut even buys her the clothes. Gossips about every single person in their everyday circle with her daughter. Putting family down making fun of others and laughing about it. But when she gets upset cause her daughter does something funky towards her.


She scolds her and says that is not Christian like . Blah blah blah. Isnt she sending that young lady mixed signals. Its okay that her husband buys 500 dollars worth of pot every month and smokes it in the house. But she wont have anything to do with her sister cause she uses too.

Am I ignorant or is this just wrong.


The Bible tells us to treat others as you want to be treated. Is that why her daughter comes home from school everyday crying that the kids are making fun of her calling her a whor and a slut? Is it because that's what they do gossip and talk about others. The do unto others thing? I know its none of my business but I am just wondering and have not gotten involved. Should I? Would you? Known the women all my life.

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Thats nice of you to care enlightened469,but all I can think of is pray for the family,and like you mentioned... Do to your friend who needs a friend as you would want her to treat you. We just can't change people,but ourselves we can.


Hope it works for you,and you gain a friend.



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I realize you think you are in a position to help with your advice. But unless you are being asked directly for advice, you need to refrain from giving it.


You are passing judgement on both your friend and her daughter.


If your friend is behaving in a way that you cannot tolerate, the best solution at this time is to give enough distance between you and she so that you do not have to be witness to the bad behavior and the annoying drama.

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YES pray alot and let the GOD do the rest and believe me he will in his time. try to be friends and when ask give a honest answer with out being hurtful. that part isn't always easy but its better to tell the truth than lie. good luck!

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As a Christian someone who love Jesus and is on fire for the Lord, and praises God etc...

Allows things to go on behind closed doors but turns a blind eye to it. Lets here daughter dress like a slut even buys her the clothes. Gossips about every single person in their everyday circle with her daughter. Putting family down making fun of others and laughing about it. But when she gets upset cause her daughter does something funky towards her.


She scolds her and says that is not Christian like . Blah blah blah. Isnt she sending that young lady mixed signals. Its okay that her husband buys 500 dollars worth of pot every month and smokes it in the house. But she wont have anything to do with her sister cause she uses too.

Am I ignorant or is this just wrong.


The Bible tells us to treat others as you want to be treated. Is that why her daughter comes home from school everyday crying that the kids are making fun of her calling her a whor and a slut? Is it because that's what they do gossip and talk about others. The do unto others thing? I know its none of my business but I am just wondering and have not gotten involved. Should I? Would you? Known the women all my life.


Wow, that's a difficult one....what do you feel led to do? Sounds like she's been your friend for quite sometime! I know the normal statement is...none of us are perfect...and that is the human condition, unfortunately. The important thing is her heart.


All of the replies are correct, pray for her and her family...I have seen much worse in my day.


If all of this gets too frustrating keep your friendship at a distance, I have had to do this before, many times, so I understand where your coming from ;)

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I have a very distinct memory from when I was 8 of my step-mother berating my step-sister (4 years old at the time) for not eating her vegetables and saying "God doesn't like little girls that don't eat their vegetables." It was then that I first saw how religion can be horribly skewed in people's minds.


It sounds to me like this woman is using her religion as a crutch or a bargaining chip in order to make her point, but has little interest in following the guidelines (or has simply decided to cherry-pick which ones she feels applies to her and chuck the rest).


I think the only thing you can do at this point is speak to your religious leader (assuming you both attend the same house of worship) and see what advice you might get from him/her. By saying something to this woman yourself, I think you may be opening yourself up to her becoming defensive and taking it out on you.


Perhaps, if you are close with her daughter at all, you could offer to take her clothes shopping? Tell her you heard she is having some trouble with other kids at school regarding her clothes and ask if she'd like a hand picking out something that would bring her less negative attention? Of course this depends how close you are with her.

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