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I can't believe my best friend has done this!


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I've been friends with this girl for six years, she's my best friend and we tell each other EVERYTHING. I told her something personal the other day and her boyfriend came up to me and said that me and him needed to talk. He said that she told him what I had told her! *shocked* It was nothing to do with him or her....just something very personal that I wanted to keep between me and her. I thought i could trust her with anything, but since this... I'm no so sure. Is it just a thing..nothing to worry about, or should I worry about telling her anythign else that is personal? I'm not mad at her or anything...just confused! Please give me some advice...QUICK!

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When you told her this did you specify that she was not to tell anyone else? If you did then she broke her promise to you and I wouldn't trust her with anything else.


If you did not specify that it was between the two of you, and just assumed that she wouldn't say anything then it may have just been poor judgement on her part. Tell her you are disappointed that she said anything and going forward if you want it to stay between you two - make sure she understands that.

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that whole involving the signifigant other is such an issue. from your friends POV, maybe she and her bf are that close, trhat she tells him everything...but i would think he would have more tact than to say anything to anyone else!


definately tell your friend that you are very hurt she did tell someone, even if she and the bf are joined at the hip. i would also mention that i would have a very hard time in the future telling her anything that you didn't want everyone else to know.


sometimes us girls do stupid things!

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sometimes us girls do stupid things!


Not like the guys.


Three can keep a secret if two are dead. I always assume anyone I talk to, male or female, will be sharing with their significant other. Next time, keep it to yourself no matter how MUCH you want to say it.

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If you don't want something to leak, don't tell. I don't think this has as much to do with trust as you inability to determine who is capable of keeping their flap shut. Some very good, trustworthy people can explode if they aren't able to talk about things they hear. Keep her as a friend but don't tell her anything you don't want leaked to others. I;m sure she meant no harm.

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