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He has to care at least a bit to be doing this

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My ex broke up with me about 1 and 1/2 months ago after a 2 and 1/2 year relationship. I seriously have been hurting but i have not showed him that im standing my ground. After a week i couldnt take it no more and ended up calling him one night i got really upset and txted him saying i just had a question about school. He didnt answer till next morning around 5 and i didnt answer him he called texted a couple times throughout the day and even left a voicemail apologizing why he didnt answer saying he was sleeping. I ignored him and then after a week passed by he texted me asking how everything was going and asked a stupid question about school that he already knew the answer to. I decided to move on and began dating a boy and to my surprise we ended up seeing my ex that night. We werent holding hands or anything so my ex cant jump to conclusions. At school he parks really close to where i park thursday he even parked where i usually park. So this weekend he added one of his ex girlfriends to his myspace. He hated that girl because they were together for a week and she left him for another guy. He would even cuss at her over the phone because she wouldnt leave us alone. Since the breakup he has only gotten three new girl friends and i have gotten like 2 new pages of new guy friends with tons of pic comments. trying to push my buttons???


we were really close too each other... inseparable you can say he really loved me we were each others first everything. Last time we broke up I ended calling him to make up... Upper hand issue?

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What are you reasons you are trying to make the relationship work? People don't change after 2 months. Also this battling between who has more bf or gf isn't going to help. Just drop the drama and move on. If you realllly want to get back with him maybe you should ask yourself the reasons why you would want to do that? also make a list of why you broke up (the bad stuff). Sleep on it and wake up read the list and see if you really want that. Also understand how many other people are out there, yes its scary to go out into the world alone but you grow from it and it makes you a better person.

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make me believe

Sure, he cares. He cares about making you jealous and trying to have the upper-hand. He's doing the exact same thing you are. Why are you playing these stupid games??? It's incredibly immature. You two broke up. Delete him from facebook, quit texting/calling him and then ignoring him when/if he responds, looking for "signs" in everything he does, and move on!!

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