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falling for a friend big time

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so i've known this girl for over 3 years now and when i originally met her my goal was to pursue because she pretty much knocked me on my ass the first time i saw her.


As I later found out she was playing hard to get and i began dating someone else. While with that person I for whatever reason brought up to my friend that I liked her she admitted she had liked me too but since she was playing games and I began dating the other girl we just remained close friends.


In October the girl I had been dating for two years broke up with me. you can read that nonsense here if you wish. http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t219889/


One night in November the two of us hooked up and I thought this would be my chance to finally pursue her but apparently that wasnt her intentions and she gave me the "youre still in love with so and so and I didnt think this was a distraction"


well that sucked to hear but she was right to a certain degree since my break up was fresh. But last weekend we hooked up again and now i dont know what to do.


This girl is something else, while being attractive is great and all i find myself really attracted to her personality. The level of comfort is uncanny and I feel like it's meant to be something else. However with that notion comes the counter fear of rejection. I could ask her out and then show my intentions or I could scare her away.


Being in this what if phase cant be healthy and I could see us working out. Another "rule" she has is that she doenst date friends or friends of friends but all her past interests and bf's have been just that. I'm not sure if im too stubborn to know when I have no chance but i've played the chase game with her before and maybe theres a point to it now?


so i am at a crossroads and dont know what to do. Honestly i just want to hold her hand and be there for her more than just a friend because i'm tired of watching her settle for crappy dudes who treat her poorly. I'm a hopless romantic i think...



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Another "rule" she has is that she doenst date friends or friends of friends...


Tell her friends don't sleep together. You guys are past the point of just friendship now, and you need to discuss where the relationship is heading. Be blunt and ask her... "are we friends with benefits or do you want this to develop into something more?"

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