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Husband has time for everything but me

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I'm just so tired of this. Husband has money for lottery tickets, beer, cigarettes, long distance phonecalls to friends, but not a Christmas present. I was laid off in fall of '02, but I managed to budget for Christmas. I work out of the home now. Our long distance phone bill was close to $150 dollars, due to his calls to his friends, last month, but whenever I try to talk to him, he's "busy", "not awake yet," "trying to get ready for work," "Trying to wind down from work" or" tired. " He'll bring up topics, but when I reply, says "I don't want to talk about this now" He claims I'm "Not supportive" of the stress he's under at work, but he never told me about his first 3 bad reviews until he was put on probation.

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Sounds like a communication problem to me. Nip it in the bud. Have you tried <URL removed> ? I love that site, it has helped me and my H a lot! There's lots of great books out there, too, to help you figure out the best way to re-open those lines of communication.


Good Luck!

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