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Flowers at Work! A++++++++


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Tomorrow is me and bf's 1year anniversary, he sent me flowers today, and said happy anniversary eve. ohhh it is just sooo sweet!


So yeah, This Definitely Scored points with this girl....guys take notes!

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Happy 1 year anniversary!!!

I also think that is so sweet to get flowers from your man!!!

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It could get old, and she'll come to expect them instead of appreciate them. I don't think I'd like getting flowers like clockwork. My boyfriend has done a good job of making it a surprise when he gets me flowers...by rarely getting them at all, lol. I'd like a greater frequency, but the element of surprise is also important.

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Originally posted by zambuka

How about flowers to an Ex..Broke up 5 weeks short of the 1 year anniversary??


What are the flowers for? I'm assuming you're sending these flowers? On the one year anniversary mark? I'd say No, but you need to be more clear what you're asking...

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I guess I was asking if it is a good idea to send flowers to my ex? Our 1 year anniversary would have been Feb 2nd..We were on talking terms..But, I told her that she needed time to think by herself..So I initiated no contact, for now anyways ( Hmm only 2 days now ). BTW, I was the dumpee, she was the dumper ( but really a nice person lol ). Then there's the whole Valentines thing..but thats another story for another day...thanks for your input


P.S. I do have a thread going on in the second chances forum..If ya wanna help me out in that area?? It gives a more in depth background to this story...Cheers

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