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Should i tell her?

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There is this girl at my work that i have been interested in for about two weeks now. I first met her about a month ago, she came up to me one day and started talking to me, when we first met. We talk off on and on and always say hi to eachother. I'm wanting to get to know her more. I have a feeling she might like me too, but then again she could just be being friendly. I'm not afraid to take a risk, Just don't wanna make a fool of myself if it turns out she is not interested or not single/just being friendly. So should i tell her how i'm interested in her? Or it is better to let this ride out and maybe she will come to me and tell me how she feels?

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I don't know if you're in an office environment with her or what but I would simply as if she wanted to hang out after work or on a non working day via email or if you aren't in an office environment in person.. Just come off as friendly and see what she says.. Don't tell her you have feelings for her but just asks if she wants to hang out when you two aren't working and go from there.. I would say something simply and friend like this "hey that movie X looks kind of interesting, would you want to go with me and check it out?" that way it can come off as in you just want to hang out to see a movie... If she says no then you have an answer


If she says yes and you guys do go to the movies you can then perceive to try and read her interest level and judge if you think she is into you only as a friend or possibly open for something more.. I would at all costs avoid straight out telling her you have feelings though because that will most likely kill any chance you ever have/had with her.. Good luck !!

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So should i tell her how i'm interested in her? Or it is better to let this ride out and maybe she will come to me and tell me how she feels?


Neither. Flirt with her. Smile at her, compliment her smile, tell her you're happy to see her when you do see her, maybe touch her arm, lots of eye contact. If she responds, then you should ask her out...happy hour after work, or lunch. Flirt some more.


She's not going to tell you how she feels. And telling her can make things awkward. So attract her by flirting with her, and then ask her out.

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Neither. Flirt with her. Smile at her, compliment her smile, tell her you're happy to see her when you do see her, maybe touch her arm, lots of eye contact. If she responds, then you should ask her out...happy hour after work, or lunch. Flirt some more.


She's not going to tell you how she feels. And telling her can make things awkward. So attract her by flirting with her, and then ask her out.


As nora said.. You really have to beat around the bush to get some response.. If you go in for the kill right away you might come off creepy.. What I can combine from my post and nora's is basically just drop subtle hints that you're interest and see what kind of feeback you get.. That way you kinda protect yourself by gauging her reactions.. If you get bad vibes and feedback than at least you didn't expose yourself totally to this woman.. Hope it works out to your advantage and this female is into you... Good Luck 11

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