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what does it mean


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ok so i am doign the no contact thing.....and gosh is it hard.....well i get on the computer today and see that my ex sent me an email.....


all it said was that he is going to school (army classes) and that he will get a hold of me when he gets back.......


he also sent another email a couple of days ago saying that he still loves me but their are circumstances why we cant be togtehr but that i am always in his heart and on his mind and that we may have a future.


oh teh circumsatnces (shirt story) he got seperated form his wife while we were together but no got orders for alaska...want to be able to see soen more tahn once a year so it dragging wife with him. which leave sno room for me.....


I havnt talked to him since monday b/c i called to wish him a happy birthday and asked him when i could get my stuff form him.


i was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about what email he sent today means.....could it be that he is scared i dont care anymore b/c i havnt contacted him and he just worte to see if ill write back?? could it be that he misses me and is wondering what i am so busy with that i cant write him back? also why would he tell me this (about going to classes) im not longer his g/f he doesnt have to tell me what he does and who he does it with.... it makes no sense that he would just write me to tell me he is going to be in school(training) for a bit so he'll get a hold of me when he get backs...


i dont know what to think any opinions?????

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I think.......you should get a life and forget him. Any man that is still MARRIED and already has someone else is not responsible or trustworthy!


Repsect yourself a lil more! You deserve more! 9 times out of 10.......he will go back to his wife!If he hasen't already!

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