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Should i text him now? Need reply fast

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So the last 4 nights this guy and i have been texting (and on and off through the days)... his texts have been getting quite sweet and last night his last text said he was having his break at work but would prefer to be having a cuddle ;)


(he is away working at the mines for a week)


i have not heard from him today, but during our texting last night i mentioned i was unsure about sleeping with him as i am a bit wary of guys at the moment.


He said he would love to just be able to see me again and called me sweetheart.


(we are old school friends and we met up about 3 weeks ago to catch up)


So anyway have not heard from him at all today, he usually texts when he wakes up between 3 and 5 pm. He also didn't do the ususal "sweet dreams xx" text last night either....


Have i put him off now......?? i don't care if i have. i was honest and it is his loss... but he said he thought he might have been bugging me, so maybe he has backed off to give me space and he always texts first, is he waiting for me to text first??


Also the last month he has been very caring and helpful due to my recent heartbreak. He has been saying i deserve someone and he has been there to help me see straight...

Edited by halfwaygone
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i have not heard from him today, but during our texting last night i mentioned i was unsure about sleeping with him as i am a bit wary of guys at the moment.


This might have confused him a bit as to what to do.


Not your fault, we all get insecure when getting into a new romantic interest.

He`s probably asking himself a lot of the same questions you are here.


I`d just send him a short sweet text telling him you hope his day is going well or something along those lines just to let him know you are still interested and thinking about him.

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OK, this guy is confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




So i decided to text him, he replied straight away and called me sweetheart in the text.


He said he might be busy this weekend as he has to go pick up his new car he has bought, but then asked how my week was looking and can i can fit him in??


I said well, you're the busy one, so can you fit me in?


He ended up suggesting dinner and a couple of drinks on Thursday night (the day after he flies back in from mining work) i agreed.


Would a guy bother if he wasn't interested in more than sex? Maybe he likes the chase...??



Admittedly our texts turn a little sexual, but i hold back more so and he calls me sweet and innocent.. (Which i am not really! haha) He also said i don't text enough. (i never text him first and didn't make any contact yesterday until i sent that text last night)


But then he also says goodnight sweetie, sweet dreams, x0x0. He also referred to me as babe in one text.


So obviously i need to see him again to try figure his intentions more, but i have no idea.

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You can either sit around trying to guess what his intentions are, or just live your life and deal with situations as they arise. You are trying to guess something that you simply cannot guess on. You can't read his mind and you can't connect the dots. You can't decode his texts.


Just go with your gut. Go out with him, but if he starts pushing things towards the sexual nature and if you are not ready, you do know that you can tell him you feel uncomfortable. Sex is ALWAYS going to be part of the equation. It's part of the whole reason we are attracted to people.


If I always asked myself if a girl I was taking on a date was just in it for a free meal, I'd be a very lonely man.

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Have i put him off now......?? i don't care if i have.


Loled here. You do care, otherwise you wouldn't be writing this.


Just because he didn't text one day doesn't mean he isn't interested. Maybe take the initiative for once...show some interest and text/call him. As the others have said, just spend time with him and see where it goes. :)

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You just need to take it day by day. Go with the flow and dont worrie so much! I do that too, worrie whats going on if I dont hear from him that "oh he dont want to talk to me" Im sure he is just cusy with work... Like its been said.. if you dont hear from him all day just send him a text saying Hope you are having a good day, just been thinking of ya. And go on this date and just have fun!

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