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Just had a weird "attack"

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it was weird. I was just sitting here at the computer and

it felt like my Heart Jumped then, started racing then I

felt like i couldn't get a breathe, like i couldn't breathe,

like my lungs would not take a breath.


now i feel really jumpy, light-headed, headache and I feel like

i could faint.


i'm 34. out of shape, but not overweight. I've been having a

hard time with feeling winded because I haven't exercised in a while

and coffee in the morning usually makes me jittery.


this scared the crap out of me. I literally freaked out because

it felt like i could NOT make my lungs take a breath.

Edited by dennisflorida
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See a doctor.




This is a serious issue and this is not a good spot to get advice about serious medical issues.

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It sounds like an axiety attack. Google them.I had my very fist one sittng in my apartment alone for no damn good reason at all. They are not dangerous, but pretty sucky to deal with. Hopefully this will be a one time occurance for you.

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It sounds like an axiety attack.

or a panic attack melodymatters. either way a good psychiatrist is indicated


or it could be heart problems in which case a good cardiologist would be indicated

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Lets say err on the side of caution. Get yourself to a MD for a check up. If he finds anything he will send you to a specialist.


Could be panic, could be a long run of v-tach. When was your last physical?

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I've had one panic/anxiety attack in my life, and it manifested in the same way as you described.


Regardless, you have to seek a professional opinion on this matter. You can't assume anything until you get it checked out!

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Obviously, in a perfect world, Dennis would have an MD on call.


In todays society, half of us don't even have insurance. I don't think I was leading him astray by suggesting it might be an anxiety attack ( panic attack is the same thing Alpha) if he was sitting here ASKING us for advice in front of a laptop and not in a ER.


Many first time panic attacks end up in the ER, as people think they are having a stroke or heart attack.


I was trying to be helpful, but I guess the only allowable thing to say is " GO TO THE ER AND GET INTO THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN DEBT IF YOU DON'T HAVE INSURANCE"


So, sue me.

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( panic attack is the same thing Alpha)

actually a panic attack is a more severe form of an anxiety attack. with a panic attack you can actually see that the patient is in visible distress. a panic attack also has sudden onset and is episodic in nature

Edited by alphamale
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Obviously, in a perfect world, Dennis would have an MD on call.


In todays society, half of us don't even have insurance. I don't think I was leading him astray by suggesting it might be an anxiety attack ( panic attack is the same thing Alpha) if he was sitting here ASKING us for advice in front of a laptop and not in a ER.


Many first time panic attacks end up in the ER, as people think they are having a stroke or heart attack.


I was trying to be helpful, but I guess the only allowable thing to say is " GO TO THE ER AND GET INTO THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN DEBT IF YOU DON'T HAVE INSURANCE"


So, sue me.


Yes, that applies if you live in the US. And why people are so against public health care so EVERYONE can have access to a doctor is beyond my understanding.


Anyway, see a doctor first.


It may very well be a panic attack and with an ekg and some other simple tests they can rule out a heart condition.


The first thing to do after that is ditch the caffeine. If it is making you jittery at any time, then it is bad for you. Then get some exercise every day.


Oh I wanted to point out that anemia and low blood sugar can make you feel like that as well as high blood pressure.

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Yes Dennis, I have suffered from whatever Alpha has decided to call them, for 25 yrs, and many of myfamily members before me.


One step I took that made a MAJOR difference was cutting out caffiene. It was hard, and I still need a hot herbal tea to help me wake up, but the pre - anxiety/panic attack feelings lessened once I cut that out.


They tend to become self perpetuating so I don't want to say too much.

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I may go to urgent care if it gets bad, but i've scheduled a Doc Appt

to get a full on Physical, it's been a while.


I figured out that my throat (tonsils) are kind of swollen, don't hurt,

but a tad enlarged and that's why i had trouble swallowing. When i had

that feeling, i freaked, my heart started racing and I guess i was having an

anxiety attack. Let's face it, I know i'm an anxious person, i mean i'm the

type that grits his teeth all day, a little nervous at times, etc. I have

an 8 year now history of nasal allergies and post nasal drip. So i'm

wondering (maybe my throat is irritated?). Plus, i have been pretty stressed

out with my job and working a lot of hours. I don't sleep well because I go to

bed late on purpose cuz i watch my shows :o AND, i don't exercise.


Anyway, i feel like it's a combo of stress and allergies and no sleep.


BUT, i'm headed to the Doc in two days.

Edited by dennisflorida
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