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How do you know when it's 'just friends' or more?


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I guess I'll start out by saying that I'm a male, almost 18 (in a little over three months if it matters) and I was just wondering how you guys define the line between just 'friends' and 'more than friends.' I realize everyone has their own umm... guidelines so to say but I was curious about how you guys view it. It's often something I struggle with since I mainly have females for friends and I seem to question myself about fairly frequently. I'll just say once or twice every few months?


I don't know why I wonder about this as often as I do. Whether or not it's because of hormones, certain special moments, or possibly that I get little crushes on them when I think of this. I cannot really figure out. I'd just really like anyones input I could get. I'm sure I cannot be the only person who's had this problem? :confused:


I'm sorry about my poor quality of post but it's late and I can't sleep because I've got lots of stuff on my mind, obviously. Anyway, any views would be highly appriciated.


P.s.- I think you guys have a great forum here. I've been reading threads off and on the last few days and just decided to join and start my first post off with a question. I'm sure you love them so dearly :p . Keep up the good work! :)


- Curious and Frustrated -

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Do you often suddenly take a moment to stop and think about one of your mainly females friends?

Thinking of a specific person usually lead to a crush, they must have made some sort of impression to you more than the others. Have a think about it.

Maybe this could be the beginning of a new relationship with the person

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  • 3 weeks later...

A very vague post, but I will try to hack at it. In general I find Women are different from men when it comes to friendships. Tell me more.....Do you just hang out with them? Do they discuss problems with you (ie men, life)? Do they show any signs of affection? The reason I ask is, in most cases women can be very different in friendships than men.

I know where your coming from though. I am male and have mostly female friends, not all but a lot. I do sometimes develop those so called crushes too just because they are so comfortable they drop any emotional barriers. I get to know the real them. I am not at all generalizing all women though, just in the most cases I deal with. I think women don't always have the chance to be totally open with a male perspective with out having to worry about him having alterior motives.

So, you can maybe ask some questions that might open the door to something more, if not use it to your advantage and get some women's insight on other women.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More then friends i think is either a mutual agreement or a kiss. Crushes are when you get butterflies.

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