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What do I do to stop this???

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My girlfriend of one year now, she always visit me. But the problem is that sometime when she visit me she always beg me for my phone to call her male friends. And I feel jealous, suspecting she is having afair with them. What do I do to stop her of this.

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Why is she using your phone to ring her friends? tell her to get her own lol.

No really...does she know you feel this way? and if not maybe you should try telling her that it actually does upset you that when she comes to see you, she spends time talking to her friends.

I doubt very much she has any interest in them, or she wouldnt be having conversations in front of you.

Sounds to me shes just honest and has nothing to hide.

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What do I do to stop her of this.

You say, "No. I don't like it when you use my phone to call other guys."

And I feel jealous, suspecting she is having afair with them.

For this, you get professional help to work through your jealousy (trust) issues.

Or you can just ask yourself if you're making ANY sense to your own mind -- do you REALLY believe that she'd use your phone to make calls to guys with whom she is having or wants to have an affair...and not even bother hiding it from you that she's calling them?!?!?


Give your head a shake, and develop a more mature attitude and outlook towards dating, socializing, friendships, etc., etc. Otherwise, your jealousy and suspicions will eventually turn into resentment and accusations...and you will hurt and alienate your g/f.

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