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FWB with ex?

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Recently my ex and I hooked up and decided to become FWB however I'm really not sure weather it is a good idea. We used to date for a few years on and off but ultimately broke up as we went to college in different cities and it didn't work out. After we broke up we didn't keep any sort of contact for 7 months and recently got talking again and after meeting we decided to be FWB.


However I never fully got over her and I'm sure I still have a ton of feelings for her again. But we can't just be friends, we never really were and there is way too much chemistry between us (in the past 5 years there hasn't been a time where we met up and didn't at least make out, regardless of whether we were together or not).


I don't know if I should go ahead with this arrangement or not, because I can see why she would want it as whenever we are together we are pretty much how we were when we used to date and when we are at college we can do whatever we like. I went to visit her last weekend and she's coming to visit me in 2 weeks time, and I'm really not sure what to do as if I say no we probably won't really talk (as I still love her and am not interested in just a platonic friendship) and if I carry on the arrangement, I know I'm kind of kidding myself in a way, as even though when we're around each other we act like a couple I know that we're not and sooner or later this arrangement will break off. But also I kind of don't want to break it off in the hope that maybe we'll become something more...what to do??

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I have been through this experience, and I have to say I think it is a bad idea. Not because being FWB with your ex is so horrible in and of itself, but because falling back on her in that way might keep you from meeting someone new. I wasted years having FWB with an ex. Today, she is happily married to someone else. I'm not.

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It comes down to this: how would you handle it when she tells you "I've found a boyfriend and can't see you anymore". If you can't handle that, I would not advise getting into a FWB situation with her. It would be akin to laying your head down on the chopping block and constantly waiting for the axeman to do his job.

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