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Odd dream...trying to figure it out....

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Usually I can't remember dreams for the life of me. But last night I had a very strange dream and that was that my grandmother at the age that she is 83 was giving birth. Is that odd or what?


I know I have tons of fears but pregnancy and squeezing out a little baby is one of my hugest. So whats up with the odd dream?

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Many people from time to time will have babies or small children in their dreams. If these newborns are strangers to you, you can assume that they represent you. You are the baby and the dream is telling you something about your development in a particular area of your life. At times of great change and renewal, a baby may appear in a dream and represent your potential and a new beginning. Some of the meaning of the dream may be obtained by considering what the baby looked like and was doing. Generally, babies represent innocence and are symbols of the purest form of a human whose possibilities are endless. However, if the baby's appearance is odd, and if your interactions with it are bizarre or unusual, you need to consider your own well being (psychologically) and think about what personal experiences and psychological hang-ups have prevented you from growing.


If you are afraid of being pregnant, you may dream of it often. At times, women learn about their pregnancy in their dreams. Your mind knows about everything that is going on in your body even if you are not consciously aware of it. However, don't panic! You could also be pregnant with ideas! Old dream interpretation books say that a dream about pregnancy is a good omen for women, and an improvement in her intimate relationship is forthcoming. For a man, it is a warning against casual sex.


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Here's a few questions to ask yourself:


1) Is your grandmother going through a change in her life? (moving into a rest home, struggling with health,finances, getting married)?


2) What does your grandmother represent to you? Family? Wisdom? Florida? Do you feel like you are entering a new relationship with your family or starting a new chapter in this arena?


3) In the dream, how did you feel about your grandmother's pregnancy?

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Cheese sandwich before bedtime? :laugh: No seriously I had loads of bizarre pregnancy , birth and switched at birth dreams/nightmares when I was first pregnant - they usually reflect generalised anxiety which pops up in odd situations (hence grandmother). Mine were even more odd (too embarassing to mention!). :o

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