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hmmmm - like u don't aim for the wrong area. lol :p - yes i meant to put this in general relationships - hmm - never paradise when its vivid! i mean the general definition of vivid of course ;)

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:p sounds great - but unfortunately too much enjoyment would be involved for the other individual - thank u moi - so cute - :bunny::p ::hugs::
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Originally posted by moimeme

Wanna borrow my whip? :laugh:


Kind of kinky, don't you think, Moi? You're not so innocent after all!!! :p;)



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Originally posted by silk_sword

y r some men such cocky SOB's? huh? please answer. ug - y??????? yes - frustration!!!!


Lets see here -


My belief is that if you know that you've got it, flaunt it and walk around with the biggest chip on your shoulder!


Silk_sword - Don't you find it sooooooooo appealing when a man is stuck on himself? ;)



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Originally posted by moimeme

I don't believe I ever claimed to be innocent ;):D


Naughty, naughty ballroom dancer --


Moi - I always thought of you as a saintess. That's what I get for assuming. :laugh:



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humble men who know what they can do and what they r, but don't brag every other second r greatly appealing, beyond appealing i'd say. so, y do men believe cockiness or selfishness accomplishes anything?

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Because a lot of bitter men out there keep trying to persuade nice fellows to behave like macho idiots due to the boneheaded theory that women like a 'challenge'. :sick::sick:

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Originally posted by moimeme

macho idiots


Ahhhhhh - That reminds me of something :laugh: -- Moimeme, remember that thread about the lady who was molested by her inlaws for stealing $20.00? Do you remember saying to me, 'Vivid, don't be an idiot'...? :laugh::laugh:



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Ahhhhhh - That reminds me of something -- Moimeme, remember that thread about the lady who was molested by her inlaws for stealing $20.00? Do you remember saying to me, 'Vivid, don't be an idiot'...?


VIVID!!! be nice!!! don't start that!!!

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Because a lot of bitter men out there keep trying to persuade nice fellows to behave like macho idiots due to the boneheaded theory that women like a 'challenge'.


aww yes - the bonehead disorder - found in many men - lol :p

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Originally posted by moimeme

Because a lot of bitter men out there keep trying to persuade nice fellows to behave like macho idiots due to the boneheaded theory that women like a 'challenge'. :sick::sick:


Whatever! I guess Moi and Silk want to be in relationships that are totally effortless! Boring!



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moi and i enjoy serious and emotional things. effortless when it comes to pure emotion? not a chance. boring when exploring the reaches of the human mind? not likely. only the superficial becomes played out. ;) but do i have to worry about this? no i don't see it happening anytime in my future with any individuals in my path - :p:love: (regardless of what they admit).

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Don't worry, Silk - Moimeme has gone to get her 5 minutes of sleep. She'll be back on, momentarily! :D




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Been tending to my wardrobe. Viv, you know Silk's right. There is nothing more exhilarating than delving past the superficialities and getting right to the essence of things. No fake 'challenge' can possibly compare. However, this sort of interaction is, sadly, rare. But, God, when you find it.... .. !

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y r some men such cocky SOB's? huh?

You like them soooooo much, and they know it.


Because a lot of bitter men out there keep trying to persuade nice fellows to behave like macho idiots due to the boneheaded theory that women like a 'challenge'.

The theory I heard was that women like confidence. Why are the jerks confident? They aren’t afraid of harming women because don’t care.



Are you going to keep this thread incredibly vague, or are you going to provide some details?

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Are you going to keep this thread incredibly vague, or are you going to provide some details?


no details - sorry - simply trying to stir up thoughts and insight on the general topic - men make me wonder - we women aren't the only complicated ones. ;):p

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Originally posted by Vivid_29

Lets see here -


My belief is that if you know that you've got it, flaunt it and walk around with the biggest chip on your shoulder!


Silk_sword - Don't you find it sooooooooo appealing when a man is stuck on himself? ;)




This is soooo not appealing Vivid. I am afraid I will have to stand with moi and silk on this one...we can forge the bond of sisterhood or something. Nice guys are not boring or lacking in challenge at all. Every relationship is a challenge in itself! You don't need to add to it by being a cocky SOB at all! They all take effort.

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Hmm... not a lot of guys responding to this one... interesting. My question is, why do so many women go for the cocky SOB's? This has always baffled me. My personal oppinion has always been that women mistake arrogance for confidence, but that view changed not too long ago. Now I just think most women dig the pricks. :p Please, correct me if I'm wrong; maybe that's only the case on the east coast. :laugh:


Personally, it makes me sick when a great girl wastes her time on a cocky bastard.

Most of the time they cheat, lie, manipulate, and do things much worse. I don't know why any woman puts up with it. :sick:


You know, the saying, "nice guys finish last" is all too true. It's damn frustrating!

I can understand women not wanting a spineless man to walk all over, but a lot of good guys are overlooked for the SOB's. Maybe it's partly because we don't put on a big show and throw out bad pick-up lines to everything with one or two legs.


OK, sorry... I sound bitter.... I just needed to vent a little :D Interesting topic. Sorry I don't have any great insight on it, but take it for what it is.

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