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Hooked up w/this guy-thinking of proposing fwb nsa

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Last night I hooked up with this guy. No stones please. Nice guy, made me feel comfortable, I had a good time and the sex was great. So now I'm wanting to propose being fwb nsa, but wondering if he'll accept? This guy is very busy and I know he's not looking for a relationship now so maybe he would accept? What are you all's thoughts?

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Whatever you're comfortable with, I know you could ask me anyway you wanted and I think the response would be "really, ok".

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Will most guys say yes to a fwb situation? Especially if they are wanting sex, but not really a relationship? He seemed to enjoy the sex... Said he did, talked about how tight I am, but he came pretty fast (2 times) too though...

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Don't overthink it, it doesn't matter what most guys would do, it only matters what he'll say and you won't know that until you ask him. Or, don't ask, just keep seeing him and don't push to be in a relationship and he probably won't either and you'll just kind of end up as fwb's.

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If he has said outright that he isn't looking for a relationship but is having sex with you, then you already are FWB.

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You Go Girl

It amazes me that some people have no problem sharing such a personal part of themselves, yet are afraid to ask to a question.

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Well, last night I told him 1 night, but now I would like to do it regularly.


why would you say one thing and do another?


this is what always confuses men... say what you mean and mean what you say... always be clear.

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It amazes me that some people have no problem sharing such a personal part of themselves, yet are afraid to ask to a question.


:lmao:This is what I find hilarious. Kris30 you are already a friend who gave up benefits. I like Lucrezia thinks that if you just don't say anything except "wanna come over for sex again" will make it pretty clear to him that you are in a FWB setup. One other thing, don't get addicted to his sex to soon or you will find yourself wishing you had more than a FWB relationship with him. Aren't you suppose to go your separate ways until you meet up again down the road. He may get the wrong idea if you are already texting him for another meeting.

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The chances he'll accept are about 100%.


Women often don't realize it, but most men prefer having a FWB to having a GF anyway. In a FWB, a guy gets everything he gets from having a GF, but with no strings. For men, FWB is the ultimate win/win, have-my-cake-and-eat-it-too situation.


Just don't enter into a FWB with the idea it will grow into "something more." It won't. Once a guy has you in a FWB, he'll want to keep things as is. Since he'll already be getting everything he wants--for free!--he won't want "something more."

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