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Is his behavior something to be suspicious of?

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Lol, coming back to this thread I started a few months ago, I can see how stupid I was then. Anyway, if anyone is interested to know, about a month ago, I found out that he flew to that girl's state to visit her and stayed there for about a week or so.


Yep you were definitely better off without him. Hope your doing better now which it seems that you are. :)

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Lol, coming back to this thread I started a few months ago, I can see how stupid I was then. Anyway, if anyone is interested to know, about a month ago, I found out that he flew to that girl's state to visit her and stayed there for about a week or so.


So now SHE gets the LOSER who's broke and stays on WOW all the time. One day another fun girl will come along and dump THAT girl ..


Even if he met her and ba----ed her brains out , they really don't know eachother other than being attracted and wanting to exchange DNA.


Get a GOOD guy in real life :)

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