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Does anyone here feel more depressed in the winter? I feel depressed every winter and dont know why.What can I do to feel better?



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I definitely do.


I've heard winter depression happens because there is less light (as in natural sunlight) during that time.


They say to get out during the day as much as possible (even if its just for a few minutes at a time). Easy enough for me to do at work during smoke breaks. At night I keep this place pretty bright when I'm up - when I first started doing that, I thought my electric bill would go through the roof, but the actual increase was only a few dollars a month. And it does seem to help.

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I've heard winter depression happens because there is less light (as in natural sunlight) during that time.


this is true. the sun actually triggers hormones that cause happiness and emotional balance. i had a problem with becoming depressed in the winter as well. we all know that the sun sets very early in the winter. therefore, we see less light. i would say start waking up earlier and enjoying the sunrise. take time to admire the sun and the sky. watch the clouds become an untainted white and the sky change hues from pink to a clear baby blue. it just takes a few moments every morning. it worked for me. best of luck ;):p:bunny:

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