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is it all in my head girls only

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so before i get to now ill go to the start in high school i became friends with a girl i tried dating her she didnt like me well we became great friends and i ended up dating her best friend after a year together i began talking to my original friend again and she said she was starting to really like me. Among other reasons caused by my gf we broke up and i began talking to my old friend.


she began to tell me things like she was really starting to fall for me, and how much she liked me etc. my stupidy i was still hanging around with me ex and the outcome is obvious the former friend was out again.


flash forward to now after a year i find myslef again talking to this girl every day or at the worst everyother day not about dating or anything like that but just talking about what we both have going on etc. we joke about eachothers dating situation and how we have to approve of the others date, and neither of us are dating. up until last wk we have hung out every single night she came home from school now it has not always been alone but she has come over when it is me and maybe two other friends drinking etc.


i just want some opinions on if it is all in my head that she might be interested again. I just find it hard to think that someone can go from saying they are really falling for you and other things to not liking u one bit. P.S. she telles my step mom and sister that we talk all the time sorry long first post

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confused and broken

Sounds like she likes you...

weird history though sometimes all that crap can interfere with relationships (ie the past)

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yah up until a month ago we never really talked about the situation and she jokes with me about it now bringing up my ex's name and stuff not being serious but in fun or how i take it

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could you do me a favour, hun?

Could you please punctuate?


Just come out and ask her if she'd like to go on a date.

Do this soon...otherwise she may like you in a way that will "Friend-Zone" you.... And then, you'll never get to first base.

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so shes showing signs of wanting to hang out just us for once i asked her to a concert and said if her work would allow it she would go just me and her. and when i pick on her about hanging out she always says something like i never said i didnt want to hang out with you.


i guess time will tell

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