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be miserable for the kids

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me and my husband have been together for 4 1/2 years, married 2 of them. When we got together we started smoking pot. This continued till I was pregnant with his child a year and 1/2 ago. I quit! I started to become distant alittle at a time. My son is 8 months old and it has just progressed. I keep thinking something will change. Everything he does gets on my nerves. I don't have the desire to touch him and when he touches me it makes me cringe. I thought I loved this person, obviously enough that we decided to have a kid together. After I had my son I thought it was hormones. But I was only like this with him. I started going to counseling. I thought it was a problem with me. I did this in my past, got involved with guys and then maybe a couple months later everything they did got on my nerves and I was no longer attracted. But the difference with them and him is a couple of months to several years. Why all of a sudden now? Could the pot have had that much of an affect on our relationship. I try to figure out what we had in common and it makes me wonder if it was the pot.


I also have a 10 year old from a previous relationship who's father bailed on him two years ago. This is why I'm so hesitant to end our marriage. Also, since we have a child together I don't want to do the every other weekend thing. Plus I don't want to regret something later on. So what do I do? Stay in it for the kids and be miserable? Maybe to the point of us hating each other. Its already very tense. HELP!!! Please give advice.

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