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Draft Relationship Book for Men

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I have written a relationship book specifically for men and I'm needing some feedback on it. It's tentatively titled "A Man's Guide to Understanding Women and Relationships." It's essentially a training manual for men, but it really would be useful for both men and women.


I will send a Free e-book draft version of it to anyone who will read it and provide HONEST feedback. You know, like "it's a piece of junk and it should be thrown in the trash" or "every man needs to read it" sort of feedback.


If you have any good ideas for a title I would appreciate those as well.


If you want to share any stories or tips about your relationships that could be used in future version, please feel free to share those too.


The book is 163 pages and you will need Acrobat reader to open it.

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Understanding Woman?


Is that section one page and all it says is, "Don't bother trying. The second you think you have them figured out, you'll be proven dead wrong. Sorry. Move on to the next chapter"?

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TOTALLY agree with UCFKevin...


up until recently, late 20's even after a few breakups with LTR's in my life i was naive enough to think i knew everything about anything, even women!!!!


my late grandfather who was a wise man always told me of this fact, i listened to him but never understood, i listened to other older wiser men but never quite understood and in fact debated or argued their advice from a logical perspective!!!!


finally after being totally roasted lately that i realise how clever these men are/were, but they like me probably only learned from experience after listening and somewhat ignoring their elders!!!!



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Actually figuring out women wasn't the problem I had...it was figuring myself out. You are right that women change...my wife is always changing so I never do totally figure her out. But that's not the problem most men really have with women.


It's that we don't have any experience or "training" in relationships so they frustrate us to death. Unless you learn a few basic "relationship skills" as I have, they will continue to do so.


Many of my problems were also self-esteem related and now that I have addressed those (and continue to do so)...my life is SO much much better.


Before I wrote this book my love life had consisted of a series of six month or less relationships…and I was already in my 30s. I like you tried to figure women out. It doesn't work.


After the completion of this book I found the love of my life and we have been happily married for over 8 years now! We have two wonderful children and I can’t imagine life without my wife and kids.


I would have never gotten to this point unless I changed ME first!


I thought about changing the title from the "understanding women and relationships" to something more to focused on men's problems but what man would ever read that? It's much more fun to blame everything on women.

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YOU WRITE ABOVE: "You are right that women change...my wife is always changing so I never do totally figure her out. But that's not the problem most men really have with women."


Your profile says you are female yet you write here that you have a wife. OK, I'll buy into that. Are you in a gay marriage? Was this just a mistake made early in the morning? Or did I miss something?

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I'd like a read. PM me.


And my first suggestion is to change the title because everybody knows there's no such thing as understanding the opposite sex. :)

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Originally posted by sarah12

And my first suggestion is to change the title because everybody knows there's no such thing as understanding the opposite sex. :)


How about "A Man's Guide to Coping with Women"?

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I'm 50 pages into it so far. It's pretty good stuff. I don't agree with every word but I think it will be a useful book - so far, anyway :)

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