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Relationship Book for Men

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I have written a relationship book specifically for men and I'm needing some feedback on it. It's tentatively titled "A Man's Guide to Understanding Women and Relationships." It's essentially a training manual for men, but it really would be useful for both men and women.


I will send a Free e-book draft version of it to anyone who will read it and provide HONEST feedback. You know, like "it's a piece of junk and it should be thrown in the trash" or "every man needs to read it" sort of feedback.


If you have any good ideas for a title I would appreciate those as well.


If you want to share any stories or tips about your relationships that could be used in future version, please feel free to share those too.


The book is 163 pages and you will need Acrobat reader to open it.

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I'm not sure if LS supports personal sales.....but I'll take a look at it if you want to PM me with a link or get my personal email.

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