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Valentines day blues

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Valentines day draws near....crap. Im sorry but i hate this holiday. Expecally for the single people. Im sure im not the only one but I REALLY HATE THIS HOLIDAY......I have an idea; I can buy a blow up doll dress it up and pretend its my date.....lol.Mamby I can just sleep through the entier day....Does anyone have ideas to make me just a little happy on this day?

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Got any single buddies? Invite them over, have pizza, rent movies; preferably movies with no romance in them at all. Most cities have all sorts of singles' events on Valentine day. You could try that. Focus on yourself - treat yourself to something you like. Think of people who are in wretched relationships and be glad you've dodged that bullet.


You could also try counting your blessings. Maybe you don't have a relationship, but you are alive and healthy and, as my dear priest friend used to say, 'you have your whole life ahead of you'. :)

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