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this is civil?

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ok i basically understand the being civil thing but there is diffrence between civil and cruel. i asked a male friend of mine why the man who rejected me after chasing me for a while would keep trying to be overly talkative to me. my friend said he's probably just trying to be said civil. mind you the guy who chased and rejected me has a girlfriend. i do understand there is acting civil but trying to flat out keep getting my attention still. we were never friends so why act like we are great friends now and want to still keep talking to me after he humilated me by rejecting me. he walks me to my car sits next to me in class. everytime i walk away he chases me. i don't think it's civil i think it's cruel.

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Define rejection. Rejected sex or a relationship?

Define chase. Was he making sexual advances toward you or just paying you attention? Was he asking you out as if he wanted a relationship?

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he tried to sleep with me than he stopped. mostly sexual advances. i wouldn't expect a man with a girlfriend to want a relationship. if he did tell me that i'll call bull sh*t.

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playing mind games are far from being civil. the "civil" thing for him to do would have been to quit contacting you in the first place.

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Didn't know he had a gf. I would say that the only thing that stopped him from sleeping with you was a moral pang. In that sense, you were not rejected at all. He still is attracted to you and wants attention from you. It's just has to be innocent now due to his situation.

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