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ladies: does it matter?...the more responses the better

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all right this is the question of the day. i've been discussing this with my friends quite a bit lately. Does size matter?? i've gotten mixed reponses from quite a few different girls. Most of them say no not really, and just a couple say it definitely does. I personally think it does. I'm not a porno star or anything, i'm a little bit above average...if average is what i've heard it to be...but i think that guys with small ones have a tough time because it just isn't good enough...i'm not trying to be cynical, but if a woman doesn't have something she can use then she isn't going to be pleased...many of the girls i talked to said if their guy was small they wouldn't care, but they said they'd obviously prefer a bigger one...i think some of you ladies should set it straight once and for all...the more responses the better...have fun :)

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Well, I've not gotten too much experience but the couple loves I've had gave me experience in large and small. My conclusion:


I like a man to be large enough that he has to use a little muscle to push inside me. I don't want to be split in two but I want to feel him join into me.


My first love was not too well endowed but his passion and foreplay spoiled me completely for any other lover. He was a dynamic, enthusiastic person and he carried those traits into the bedroom as well. His desire and his love for me were clearly and frequently displayed and that made me long for the moment I would be alone with.


I've got a bigger heart than vagina so although I like a nice sized guy, it's the passion, creativity, and true-hearted love that makes the lover.


...i think some of you ladies should set it straight once and for all...the more responses the better...have fun :)
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i hear what you're saying...but do you think that a guy with like a 3 or 4 incher can do the job?? i know this guy who is actually with my ex right now and he told her and me before that his was only 4 inches erect and i know that she is missing me right now...like i said before i'm no porno star, but i'd like to think i'm all right and i know how to use it and be very passionate too...her and my sex life was amazing...we'd surprise eachother everytime out there and i just dont know if i could have performed if i had a smaller penis...i actually didn't know before whether or not i was average because of course being a teenager back in the day the only penises i saw were like the 10 inch porno stars, but luckily my girlfriend told me what was up which made me feel better..i think that has something to do with pleasing a woman too is confidence..if a guy is sitting there thinking, "oh i hope its big enough for her" then hes first of all not going to be fully aroused and secondly he wont be thinking about how beautiful the act of making love is...i have to say once i knew from my ex that i was a little above average then i think things in bed got a lot better because to go a long with my physicality i had confidence that i could please her..at that point i had her begging...and at some points heard screams that i never thought could come out of a woman...sorry if that got too graphic but i guess i'm arguing both points that of course it does matter, but if a guy with a little one can have confidence in himself and his passion then he can satisfy a girl...as for my ex, i feel sorry for her now :) her loss right? ha ha. afterall i guess the old cliche "its not the size of the boat but the motion in the ocean" holds some truth to an extent

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Never heard that one before. How funny!

"its not the size of the boat but the motion

in the ocean"


No. I don't think a 3-4" could satisfy me. We (women) say size doesn't matter but maybe that's because the average sized guy is a satisfying size. The 4"er sounds a little lacking to me, a little too close to finger-sized.


You are dead right when you say say confidence is one of the most important things. Timidity and doubt just won't do in a love or a lover.


Now don't go pitying your ex-girlfriend. There are many more satisfying things around besides penises. She's made her choices and knows best what makes her happy.


You sound like a decent (and very physically blessed) guy. Add some caring maturity to your passion and lovemaking skill and you'll be something grand.


Hope you get more responses.


Thanks for the fun.



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thats werid you haven't heard that before...well i'm not pitying my ex, but she is a really sexual person and it means a lot to her and i know she just isn't happy in that sense..its not a big deal though....anyways, so you make it sound like size does matter when you say a 3-4"er could not satisfy you...5 is average you know?...i guess thats as small as some women go though...i'm not that physically blessed, only a little bit above average thats all...and like i said i didn't realize it until after being with my ex, so i wouldn't say that that takes away from my "caring maturity" because i'd like to think of myself as being very caring and mature...but i understand where you're coming from...well thanks for giving me responses..its seems as though you're the only one who has the "balls"(not literally) to talk about it..thanks

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We're talking aroused size is 3-4"? Isn't that about the average sleeping size for most men? I thought average aroused was 6".


Sorry for making the wrong assumption on maturity. I lumped you into all the frat-boys I've known who get drunk and fixated on their size and how they might best work their way into a woman's pants.


Your ex is lucky to have enjoyed a skillful lover.


And right, balls-free is me. ;)


Enjoy the weekend.

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it probably matter to some women what size a mans penis is like it matters to some men what size womens breast are. some women don't care about the size of a mans penis like some men don't care what size a womens breast are. those that do care, in my opinion are shallow anyway. i use to prefer men that were "larger" but since i met my current that has all changed now. he is "perfect" i couln'nt never go back to preferring someone larger cause he has proved over and over again that "size does not count"!

all right this is the question of the day. i've been discussing this with my friends quite a bit lately. Does size matter?? i've gotten mixed reponses from quite a few different girls. Most of them say no not really, and just a couple say it definitely does. I personally think it does. I'm not a porno star or anything, i'm a little bit above average...if average is what i've heard it to be...but i think that guys with small ones have a tough time because it just isn't good enough...i'm not trying to be cynical, but if a woman doesn't have something she can use then she isn't going to be pleased...many of the girls i talked to said if their guy was small they wouldn't care, but they said they'd obviously prefer a bigger one...i think some of you ladies should set it straight once and for all...the more responses the better...have fun :)
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thats great, and i agree with what you're saying...but doesn't size matter a little bit...i mean you're new man has to be at least average right? but i think that going from having it matter to not caring is very good..in a way it is superficial to think that size matters...have you been with him a long time?? thats cool that size does not matter to you becaues i think it wouldn't matter if women didn't make it matter sometimes..i mean granted guys are self conscious about it, but i think they would not be so much if they knew that it didn't matter to a lot of women...well thanks for the response Monica...j

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i was talking 3-4 inches aroused is not good...and i read several places that 5.1 inches or something like that is average for men aroused...thats what i've heard..i'm not a dick master or anything so i wouldn't know...ha ha..well don't pin me as a frat boy ok?? i'm not like that...i don't need to get girls all drunk and take advantage of them...its so much better when you can actually remember having sex you know? well thanks for the responses and have a good weekend..j

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i dont really care about guys dicks first of all. Its not like when i see them i go "oh geez i wonder what size he is" but if by chance they do then thats alright. I certainly do not mind. of course im not really sexually active as i could be. i dont know but i guess im saying if you really like the guy size will never matter. there are more things in life then a big dick.

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