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the guy i date and money

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i was wondering if i should worry. As in future marriage plans, should i go forward or no...

he is in college and owes about 1500 bucks to credit card bills that he spent dumbly...he pays the minimum so i dont think that affects his credit or does it?

he has bought a few things he didnt need instead of making bigger payments on his cc to get rid of that debt and that worries me. shouldnt a person with debt put all they have toward the debt payment and not shop or buy anything unless it is needed?

i am just worried cause i am a very picky person when it comes to money. i am very lucky so i dont have to worry about too many bills, but i manage my spending money meticulously.

otherwise, this guy is wonderful, but i fear hes bad with money. how does a couple deal with that when it comes to marriage and when there is one person good with money and one not good?

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Some people are thrifty and others aren't. As for whether a person who has cc debt should work to pay it off instead of buying anything else, that might be most prudent, but it's THEIR decision.

Just as an illustration as to how couples deal, my parents are opposites when it comes to money. My Dad's the spender, my mom's the thrifty one. They've been married for 30+ years. They have had a tendency to balance each other out quite well, but it takes compromise and work. Everyone has faults. If he's that wonderful, I'd see if it's something you two can work through.

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

He can learn.


Go for it. He's making the payments.


No minimum payments just keep you from ruining your credit rating. If he owes $1500 and he's making the minimum payment (which I'm guessing is something like $70). It's gonna take a while to pay that off. Intrest hits hard. It's swimming against the current.


If you can control the flow of money that comes in and goes out of your household then maybe it'll work. He's shown himself to be fiscally irresponsible and you're going to have to watch him closely.

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