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Value yourself and your loved ones because you never know when life will end...

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I am a television journalist. I really enjoy my job but I do not like covering road accidents.


Today I attended a story where a young girl, just 17 or 18, died, after she apparently fell asleep at the wheel. She was travelling to visit her parents at their holiday place near the beach. She had called them not long before that to let them know she was on the way. Then she crashed off the road and her life ended before it had really begun.


Her parents went to the scene, devastated.


Sometimes these things don't get to me, because I see them often. But sometimes, like today, they hit home and I am reminded of our mortality and how quickly our lives can end.


Please give your loved ones a hug when you next see them and tell them you love them. And love yourself too.

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Originally posted by Thinkalot

Value yourself and your loved ones because you never know when life will end....



No s***. I feel for her family. They have a word for children whose parents have died, its orphan. But there isn't a word for parents whose children have died. No word can describe it.

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