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Potential to be more or am I reading it wrong?

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OK, so I met this guy through a mutual friend last year at a music festival. The minute I saw him I was like 'Wow'. I thought I noticed him looking at me but wasn't sure. Anyway, I actually caught him looking at me and he said ' I am sure I recognise you from somewhere', so I put it down to that.


We added each other on facebook and chatted occasionally. Then we all arranged to go to the music festival again this year, this time he is coming with us and my sister and his friend who is a friend of us all.


His band were doing a gig last month and we went to see him. He came over and gave us all a hug as it had been a year since we actually saw each other. Anyway, his band did their set and afterwards we were all outside the bar and people were taking photo's and we had a couple together and my sister said something about me thinking he was hot. He wasn't embarrassed and took it all well.


Later on we were both outside alone and he insisted I had his coat as it was a bit cold, so I took it and we had a hug, I couldn't help but say ' OMG..if you were older' (there's an age difference) and he just said 'If you were younger' then our friend came out and broke up the hug.


After that night we spoke on MSN and said we'd had a good night, in various conversations he said he thought I was really attractive, pretty damn sexy and that any guy would be lucky to have me. He kept trying to arrange other nights out but for a few of them I couldnt make it so it never happened.


We did arrange one night and we all went out together. We had a good night and again he offered me his coat and asked me for my number which I gave him. On the way from the bar to my sisters he linked his arm into mine and said now he had my number and would know where I lived he could call in when he is out and about with work, I said he was always welcome. He then linked in arms on the way to my house, where him and his friend were sleeping on the sofas.


Since then he's said again that he thinks I am attractive, and I told him it was no secret that I think he's hot. Our conversations go from being pretty deep to just the usual chit chat. I don't know if he see's me as an attractive older woman and it stops there or if he wants it to actually go further.


He is forever trying to arrange outings as a foursome etc and is talking about the festival a lot and saying luckily we'll have each other for sanity (my sister and our friend can be annoying at times)


I am reluctant to make a move as I aren't totally sure how he feels and I don't want to cause any unwanted tension for our weekend away if he just see's me as a friend.


Guys especially, would you tell someone you found them attractive, sexy etc if you just wanted to remain friends.


The age difference doesn't concern me at all, but I know he is inexperienced so that makes me even more wary of being too full on...not that I am a man eater!!.


Thank You In Advance

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