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What am I supposed to do???


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When I first came to secondary school, 5 years ago now, I was introduced to a girl by my friend. At the time she was quiet and clever and I only saw her as another pretty girl. But for the last year (talk about indecisive eh?:p) I've been thinking about her everyday and have started to have really strong feelings for her, so much so that my friends are all saying that I'm in love with her. What's making it harder for me to tell her how I feel is that first of all, I'm only in one of her classes but also, within the last few years she has arguabley become one of the most popular girls in the whole year. And now this has meant that she basically has an infinite amount of friends and that she goes to parties getting drunk and smoking. I may well be in the minority for not having done any of these, and if anything I'm a the nerd but she's changed so much recently that it's hard to believe she's the same person. But regardless of that she's still the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my life, and I'm still devoted to her (Well at least on my part). I do get to talk to her every now and again, once I even waited for her to finish her work after school for a whole hour when she was ill, and we actually had a good conversation going.


So anyway, I have absolutely no idea what to do, it's getting more embarassing that I still haven't managed to tell her how I feel and that I rarely talk to her. I was just curious what you all think I should do. Should I just tell her how I feel? Or am I supposed to ask her to the movies or something first?

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Peaceful Guy
Should I just tell her how I feel? Or am I supposed to ask her to the movies or something first?


its your call.

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Asking her out on a date will show her you are interested. You cannot simply just blurt out that you are madly in love with her. Get that date set up, then go from there.

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