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Hey everyone!


Just want to know if anybody in this forum meditates on a daily basis, and if so, is it beneficial at all? Has it improved your daily life?

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It's great! I have meditation CDs, and also meet with a group one night a week. It's certainly help me, as Thinkalot, to think a little less sometimes!

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I've been practicing Zen Buddhism for 4 years. Both individually and in group practice. I recently joined a Buddhist Zen Center which brings in teachers and instructors from all over the world.


There is a book called "Zen and the Brain" by James Austin that was published in 1988 from MIT Press. Austin is a neuroscientist and a practicing Zen Buddhist. Its a hardcore biological/medical study that shows the effects of rigorous "meditation" practice and its effects on the anatomy, physiology, and chemistry of the brain. Its not an easy read, but its interesting. Its goes into great lengths about what actually is going on in the ole' noodle when someone has a "mystical experience".


But there is scientific documented proof during meditation there is an increase in activity in the area of the cerebral cortex which filters the the perception of information between the two hemispheres. It results in increased EEG coherence, blood flow to the brain, muscle relaxation, and a decrease in stress hormones. Some Zen masters can lower the respiration rate from 12-15 breaths per minute to as little as 3 . Long term mediatiation practice results in greater EEG coherence; increased efficiency of information transfer in the brain; lower baseline levels of heart and respiration rates; increased stability of the autonomic nervous system; faster recovery from stress; faster reactions; and faster reflex responses. There is also data that suggests that relaxation techniques can alter negative feedback loops within people.

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ukgirl28 nice to see someone from my neck of the woods... how u doin girl??


I am also intrigued by meditation and was just gonna get some books on it and go from there can you guys recommend any good ones?


Also do you have to do it in groups surely you can also start of doing it alone or will you not get the full effect.. :)

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