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Help me see past this!


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I've been dating this guy for 4 months now. But yet...I have a problem.


It's not that I don't love him, because Lord knows I do! It's just that sometimes I get these feelings that make me wonder if I 'really' like him or not. One minute I can be totally head-over-heels for him and he can be the best thing in my life, but the next minute, I feel like I can't stand him and I almost breake up with him. I've broke'n up with him 3 times already and he's such a sweet guy that he's take'n me back EVERY time, with no ifs ands or buts. He'd do anything for me and go miles to be with me.


So I guess what I'm asking is......is this just a phase that I'm going through.Or is this something I should be worried about?


*Please, any comment you have will help!!*

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How old are you? If you're quite young still, perhaps you're simply not ready for a committed relationship.


How sane are you? Really, I'm serious. Are you the flake among your friends? Is it possible that you're suffering from depression or another emotional disorder?


Is having a boyfriend very important to you and/or your social circle? If you broke up with this guy permanently, would you be the only one in your group to be single? How are you at being single?


It sounds to me like you do not really want to be in a relationship with this guy. I suspect that you feel you ought to be in a relationship, perhaps even a relationship with him specifically. But if you were happy you wouldn't have broken up with him 3 times already in such a short period of time.


My guess is that your reasons for going back have less to do with him and more to do with things that should not dictate your relationship status. If you're a bit unbalanced, nothing but appropriate professional treatment will be effective. If you're immature (which young people are, it's not an insult, it's a fact of life!) nothing but time will make you ready for a relationship. If you're surrounded by people who implicitly convey to you the idea that you can't be whole by yourself, you need to free yourself from their influence. But don't drag this poor fellow along on your quest for contentment. You like him, but you don't reallllly like him.


That's what it sounds like to me.

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If you're immature (which *most* young people are...
Let's not be hasty. I'll give you that the mature middle/high school aged person is a rarity, probably filling less than 1% of the population their age - but they do exist.
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So I guess what I'm asking is......is this just a phase that I'm going through.Or is this something I should be worried about?


Sounds like something he should be worried about.


Your behavior is not consistent with your professed love. You need to figure out why so that you can be fair to both yourself and to Gregory. Midori has given you an excellent starting point for some introspection.

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