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Update on the Scouters affair


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I just wanted to give you an update on my situation ( hubby had affair last year and had filed for divorce then we reconciled)


We are doing great so far. We attend counseling twice a week and our relationship seems to be working.

He moved back in in April and we have opened the doors to communication, he calls me from work during his lunch just to chat and he calls me when he leaves work and talks to me all the way home.


He makes sure that when he has to go to anything concerning scouting(Where he met the other woman) that he takes one of our boys with him. He is trying really hard to not give me reason to doubt him.


He has not made contact with her in a year and has made everything an open book, his cell phone, his email, and his Ipod.


He has insisted on remaining in counseling and says that way he will not get off track again. He tells me that he never really stopped loving me and now understands why I was so angry over how much time he had devoted to scouting. He cut back on his leadership roles and delegates these duties to others in order to spend more time with me.


He has said that the woman he had become involved with was also obsessive about scouting and he thought that was what he wanted in a woman but has seen that "obsession with anything is not a good thing.


He did some dating during the time he moved out and discovered that he was not truly happy unless he spent time with me. He rushed one woman through a date, picked her up at 6 and had her back by 7:45 and then called me and asked if he could come over. He started dating me exclusively soon after.


I think he has realized that the 17 years we had together was the best he thing he ever had, so the divorce was cancelled and we are back as a family.


So maybe some marriages can be saved... Only time will tell


Thanks for all the advice and encouragment

The FaithfulWife

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Wow! Great! Sadly, it happens rarely but it's a triumph when it does. Congratulations to you both. I LOVE happy endings :D

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Good for you! I'm glad you were able to reverse the damage and save your marriage.


Although 6 months ago I would have given anything to be you (my H was also having a Scouting affair), I have finally decided to look on the results as a happy ending. They are still together, seem to be quite happy from what I can tell - she divorced herself out of an unhappy marriage, he moved out when I gave him the ultimatum to stop seeing her or move out. I think my pride is still bruised but to be truthful, we hadn't been happy for awhile and counselling just wasn't helping. My teenager is relieved (he couldn't stand the constant tension) and my younger son sees Dad more than he used to when he lived here so it wasn't all bad.

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