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sooo, what counts as a LDR?

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Peaceful Guy

i like to go to dance parties about an hour + from where i live.. as silly as this may sound after reading some of your guys stories.. i haven't wanted to get involved with anyone romantically because i thought it would be too hard with them so far away (some live an hour in the other direction).. do i need to grow up here? would that even be long distance to you guys or just normal? should i trust what i know about myself (i like really close relationships.. in every way) and avoid the heartache, or go for it and see what happens?????

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I would say that anywhere that is impossible for you to be on a daily basis due to the distance is what is considered long-distance. IMO an hour away is not.

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Considering I know some people who drive that far daily to get to work or school (like I have to do) it's not a LDR. You can drive a hour to go see someone on a daily basis. My ex lives about a hour away from me and we saw each other every weekend. It would've been more had we not had such a horrible schedule conflict during the week. So yeah definitely not a LDR in my opinion.

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Peaceful Guy
Considering I know some people who drive that far daily to get to work or school (like I have to do) it's not a LDR. You can drive a hour to go see someone on a daily basis. My ex lives about a hour away from me and we saw each other every weekend. It would've been more had we not had such a horrible schedule conflict during the week. So yeah definitely not a LDR in my opinion.


okay, fair enough.. but each drive an hour? one person drives 2 hours?

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Peaceful Guy

the parties themselves are a little over an hour away, but if they live in the other direction its further than that.. i am listening by the way and thank you, i just don't want people to get caught up on the hour thing cause that's not really the case.. i don't think that would be a problem.

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Hm, to get some perspective, if you were offered the job of your dreams an hour away but couldn't afford to move there for some reason, would you take it and make the daily drive or not?


I would consider an LDR a relationship in which the distance makes it impossible for regular meetings. As in, if you can meet every weekend, you're really not too different from an ITR. However, this depends not only on distance, but also transport system, financial situation, job schedule, and many other things. For me, a semi-LDR would be a 2-hour drive away, and an LDR would involve a plane ride or a drive that you can't make to-and-fro in a day.

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Peaceful Guy
For me, a semi-LDR would be a 2-hour drive away, and an LDR would involve a plane ride or a drive that you can't make to-and-fro in a day.


i like that! okay, so then.. knowing that i would prefer to be in a relationship with someone that i could see quite regularly, do you guys think i should take a chance on someone i thought was really great that lived let's say 2 hours away? of course, im gonna see how it goes and all that but ide love to hear your thoughts! :) thanks!!!

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How do you feel about a 2-hour drive each week? If you don't mind that, the answer should be a tentative yes. :)

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I know a lot of people who commute a couple of hours each way to work in London every day. Imo one or two hours isn't even an LDR.

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Peaceful Guy
How do you feel about a 2-hour drive each week? If you don't mind that, the answer should be a tentative yes. :)


i think it would be fine. thanks elswyth! :cool:

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I work an hour away from where I live. If I have to go to the grocery store or anything it's still that hour drive. 2 hours isn't really all that bad, IMO. It's something you could do weekly. I'd much rather have a semi-LDR than to be as far as I'm away from Mathew. :) If you find someone you think might be worth it, go for it!


Good luck!!

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Peaceful Guy
..you think might be worth it, go for it!

Good luck!!


i do.. i am.. thanks!!!!:)

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White Flower
i like to go to dance parties about an hour + from where i live.. as silly as this may sound after reading some of your guys stories.. i haven't wanted to get involved with anyone romantically because i thought it would be too hard with them so far away (some live an hour in the other direction).. do i need to grow up here? would that even be long distance to you guys or just normal? should i trust what i know about myself (i like really close relationships.. in every way) and avoid the heartache, or go for it and see what happens?????

Hey Peaceful Guy. My guy lives about an hour away and whenever possible we meet halfway in a town we both adore. It's so possible!

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Peaceful Guy
Hey Peaceful Guy. My guy lives about an hour away and whenever possible we meet halfway in a town we both adore. It's so possible!


nice! that sounds really sweet! :)

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Yea thats not really LDR. Im seeing someone who is in Illinois and Im in Oregon. So 2 hr drive isnt all that bad. wish mine was that close Id be seeing him more often :)

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Peaceful Guy
Yea thats not really LDR. Im seeing someone who is in Illinois and Im in Oregon. So 2 hr drive isnt all that bad. wish mine was that close Id be seeing him more often :)


so, do you guys use the internet to chat and stay in touch then? is that how you met, or did you live close first, and then move away?? i think more and more people are able to do LDR because of how communication has improved, but i don't know.. what do you guys think?? :cool:

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so, do you guys use the internet to chat and stay in touch then? is that how you met, or did you live close first, and then move away?? i think more and more people are able to do LDR because of how communication has improved, but i don't know.. what do you guys think?? :cool:


Peaceful Guy, if you like this girl then 2hrs is nothing. My SO is a 30 hour plane ride away - 12,000 miles! - and we still make it work.


We chat on skype at each end of the day (there's either an 11 hr or a 13 hr time difference depending on the time of year). Sometimes it's just for five minutes if that's all the time we have, but most times its for a least a couple of hours (I think 6hrs at weekends is our record :eek:). We also text each other throughout the day and use the phone when we don't have access to a computer.


Today's technology makes LDRs very possible if you can live without the physical side for long periods. Not easy, but definitely worth it for the right person.

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I consider not being able to see someone EVERYDAY a long-distance relationship.


I am in a LDR, we live a hour and a half away from each other. But because of money and his work schedule we can't just see each other everyday whenever we want.


Also, you said you go to dance parties? Do you also hang out with the opposite sex a lot? If so, a LDR might not be for you. It is about being singly committed to one person and putting time and effort into that person to make it work.

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I agree. that's not an LDR. I live in California where a daily 2-3 hour commute to work and back is common. My man lives a 15-20 hour FLIGHT away!! about 15,000 miles, in Australia.

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Rearden Metal

I live 90 miles from my GF. I'll happily drive to her, pick her up, drive into Boston (30 mins), drive her home, and then drive home in the AM if we've got a great date set up. I have no problem whatsoever making the trip to her on the weekends to spend a few days and she comes to see me as well on weekends.


I'd consider ours an MDR (Medium Distance Relationship).

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so, do you guys use the internet to chat and stay in touch then? is that how you met, or did you live close first, and then move away?? i think more and more people are able to do LDR because of how communication has improved, but i don't know.. what do you guys think?? :cool:



I've known him for 9 years. And this is our first visit, me going to him. (in four days) We talk by phone and text every day. Not online because I don't go on line too often. We Been friends for 9 years and just started to get interested in one another this year. We never met, he was in the Navy and stationed in Japan for a few years. And then he was doing his own thing and me my own. I mean I am 2 days away from him, Travel by car, bus, train. 8 hrs from plane but all that cost alot of money. We are waiting till my visit this weekend to figure out if we are good as just friends or more then that. No point in rushing then being hurt if things dont work out.

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any relationship is worth sacrifice for that right person :)

i live in detroit, and my boyfriend is in chicago, it is about a 4 hour commute, he was transfered there for work about one and a half months after we started dating, we have been together for five months and have known eachother for a little over a year.

we try to see eachother every two weeks (i drive there or he drives home), and talk on the phone everynight for about an hour, and text all morning :) added non bonus, he works 3rd shift 6 days a week, but we make the most of it!

totally worth it!

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I agree. that's not an LDR. I live in California where a daily 2-3 hour commute to work and back is common. My man lives a 15-20 hour FLIGHT away!! about 15,000 miles, in Australia.


Not trying to compete here Spygurl, it's just that my geography's not very good. My least favourite subject in shcool :laugh:. Isn't Australia nearer to America than England? My man is in New Zealand which is definitely 12,000 miles and a 30 hour flight from England, so just wondered about the 15-20 hours and the 15,000 miles (I would have PMd you on this but neither of us has enough posts). Do you mean 15,000 miles round trip or 15,000 km perhaps?

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I'd say that Aussie is further from the east side of America than it is from England. ;) Timezone wise, it's possible for certain parts of Aussie to be exactly 12 hours away from certain parts of America, IIRC. Whereas England and Aussie are on average 8-10 hours apart by timezone, if I'm not wrong. However, I'm entirely unsure of which part of America California is located in. ^^

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I'd say that Aussie is further from the east side of America than it is from England. ;) Timezone wise, it's possible for certain parts of Aussie to be exactly 12 hours away from certain parts of America, IIRC. Whereas England and Aussie are on average 8-10 hours apart by timezone, if I'm not wrong. However, I'm entirely unsure of which part of America California is located in. ^^


Thanks Elswyth. I'm none the wiser though. :D I'll ask my man - he's arriving tomorrow. :bunny:

I only know about England and New Zealand which is either 11hrs or 13hrs difference depending on time of year. I know exact mileage from the ridiculous number of air miles we clock. Other than that I'm pretty clueless.


I know Australia is nearer to us than New Zealand but I have no clue about America :o! And, of course, both America and Australia are pretty big countries so there's a lot of 'it depends whereabouts' involved.


Anyway, I suspect we're a bit off topic here (my apologies).

Edited by LittleTiger
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