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I need help in getting this relationship going and keep it that way

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I just got in to a relationship, but i don't know how things are going but all i can say that it is going slow. she likes me and i like her but i would like to get it going on the right foot if you now what i mean. there is one thing thou we are old friend sense school and now we are in 11 th grade. there is also this i have never been in a relationship, these is the first.

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Sorry to Say this but...


Slow IS the right way to go. For the most part, set the pace based on her willingness to return the affection.


If she sees you only as a friend, then that's what you will always be, and you best be ok with that. However...


If you're not satisfied with this, then move to someone else.


That's all you can do. Beware, friends is often a difficult (very difficult) label to rid yourself of in the eyes of a female.



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thanks curt but she as already sad that "we are boyfriend and girlfiend." those were her words. so i most be doing some thing right to move up from friend to more than a friend. just right now i would like.. you see people i just don't know what to do to keep what we have going.





The loving and careing


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