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Seemingly out of options....

Wicked Child

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Wicked Child

It feels like I've tried it all....Short of speed dating and singles events...Did the online thing....Had a few good dates, but it seems like most of the people on there are super needy and want to rush into things....Meeting people out...well, I just don't plan on finding a compatible partner on a drunken bender at the bar...None of my friends have any single friends..(or they are holding out on me...) It's so hard to even get people to venture out of their living rooms these days...I can't help but wonder if I sealed my own fate when I declared 4 years ago (after leaving a 6 year rel) that I wouldn't date until 30...


Honestly, I'm getting kinda lonely here...And not because I want to have a man, per se...but because I miss having a sort of permanent activity partner, and someone to do things with...I couldn't get a single friend to join me all weekend for some activity out in the woods while the weather was nice...That's when it kinda sunk in....


It's just aggravating...In the time when everyones gettin hitched, having babies, starting families, I'm having trouble even finding someone to hang out with...Considered just trying to make new friends, but I have never gone out and actually made friends out of strangers...it's all been mutual connections that have started friendships...


I guess I can look forward to the summer season, all the fests, and volunteer gigs I do (which host some of the most uptight and judgmental people I have ever met)...But seriously.....When the hell is it my turn?? When does Karma come back and reward me for my past devotions and sacrifices?!?!?!?!?


Grrrr....I started an eHarmony questionnaire...I'll probably get rejected again...

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